Trollstopia Ep 69: The Lost Leaf Part 3

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The next morning, Branch is still soundly asleep in bed while "Gary" and "Henry" are on their beds, but Elder Lead is not. But Branch then slowly wakes up when he smells something good.

After he yawns and stretches his arms, he said, "What's going on? Why do I smell something cooking?"

When he notices his grandpa is not in bed, he jumps out of bed and puts on his robe.

"Grandpa! Where'd you go?" Branch called out.

"I'm in the kitchen, grandsonny," Leaf called back.

When Branch enters the kitchen and dining room, he finds his grandpa cooking scrambled eggs, bacon, and french toasts.

"Good morning, Grandpa," Branch said, yet surprised to see him up.

"Good morning, Branch," Leaf turned to Branch. "Go take a set at the table. Breakfast is almost ready. And there's orange juice and coffee on the table."

Once Branch sat down, he notices two mugs of coffee and cups of orange juice on top of the table with a vase of poppy flowers at the center.

After drinking his coffee, Branch said, "I didn't know you could cook, Grandpa."

"Your grandmother is the baker of the family while I'm the chef. I would cook whenever I don't adventure or invent. I got up early to make a good breakfast for you since you got to go to work."

When Leaf gave Branch a breakfast plate, Branch became fascinated by seeing how delicious it looks that he starts to eat.

As Leaf sat to eat breakfast with him, Branch commented, "This is good, Grandpa."

"I'm glad you like it. I see in your day planner that you're going on a lunch date with Queen Poppy."

"Wait, you read my day planner?"

"It was out in the open on your shelves."


"I was thinking about cooking for your lunch date. I got a good recipe in mind."

"Okay, I'll bring Poppy over to my bunker. But what do you do while I'm away?"

"I'll do my inventing and the chores in the bunker. So, most of your Chill Bros is part of the Council of 18."

"Yes, Grandpa. They're having a meeting today, and Riff has got classes for college to do."

"Hmm, perhaps we can invent while we wait."


At the Meeting Mushroom House from the series Trollstopia, the Council of 18 gathered.

Then Poppy said, "My Council of 18 members, we are gathered here today for discussion. And to enjoy this new place for our meetings."

After the Council nodded in agreement, they quickly went back to seriousness when Poppy said, "But we still need to discuss. Barb?"

Barb then reads from the clipboard and says, "Today, we must talk about Elder Leaf. After what we experienced yesterday, it's still a mystery how he got frozen in the ice block in the first place."

"It's amazing how he managed to live while being frozen for years," said Delta.

"But from what he told us, he has no memory of how it happened," said Hickory.

Then Trollex responded, "Yes, but he thinks he might have been frozen on purpose and mentioning that there were Trolls with him while it happened."

"So, it could be possible that the Trolls who were there with him must have frozen him," said Trollzart.

"Yes, that could be the case," said King Quincy.

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