{Chapter 5}

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  "FIGHT ME BLADE!" Tommy yells in the pit as Techno is trying to teach him how to properly use a sword and shield.

  "Calm down Tommy." Wilbur says as im watching this go down.

  "But im trying to act like this is real Wilbur." Toomy says as i watch as a shirtless techno wipes his sweat with his shirt that he discarded.

  "I thought it was very convincing Tommy." Tubbo says but my eyes where only on one person throughout the whole sparing match.

  "What did you think Miss?" Tubbo asks and I look at the small boy, noticing his small horns coming out of his head.

  "Well Tubbo. His stance was completely off, he let his guard down numerous times. He would die in seconds, if he tryed only using his words." I say and i see Techno is looking straight at me but i brush it off and look at our makeshift base that they made out of a ravine.

  "Do you know when Philza is coming Tubbo?" Wilbur asks.

  "He told me that he'll be here soon, he has to get past Schlatt and Quackity." Tubbo says as Tommy and Techno go back to sparing.

  "Y/n." Wilbur says

  "Yes?" I ask as I see Techno leg sweep tommy making him fall on his ass and Techno puts his sword at his Throat.

  "You said you worked with two weapons. Is that correct?" He asks and I look up at him.

  "Yes thats correct why?" I ask

  "Well we only know one weapon and that was your enchanted Bow and Arrow. Whats the other?" He asks and I notice Techno and Tommy come up from the pit.

  "Well have to go outside." I say as I stand up and spread my wings so they wouldn't get a cramp, i then see that Techno put back on his shirt and fixed his mask so it didnt move in the process.

  "Where are we going?" Tommy asks

  "Outside to see Y/n's weapon. Weren't you listening?" Techno asks as we all head outside, i notice its lightly drizzling. Perfect.

  "No not really." Tommy says and Techno hits him upside the head making him wince and rub behind his head.

  "When a lady speaks you listen you dimwit." Techno says making me chuckle.

  "I didn't think that the Reaper wanted to keep things formal." Tommy says.

  "Idiot." Wilbur says and I put my hand up so they stop walking.

  "I would get out of the way just incase." I say and Techno leans against a tree but the others stay put.

  "Your funeral." I mumbled as I put out my arm and whispered the words.

  "Neptune." I say and I feel the gravitational pull and I open my eyes as Wilbur, Tommy and tubbo just stand there in utter confusion.

  "Whats supposed to happen?" Tubbo whispers to Wilbur.

  "I have no idea." Wilbur whispers back.

  "Hey reaper whats supposed to happ- OH GOD!" Tommy yells as he ducks from my trident flying past him and into my outstretched hand.

  I give a smirk as I twirl it around in my hands.

  "My other weapon, Poseidon's Trident, Neptune." I say as I let go of it sending it back to its original location.

  "I- ho- HOW?!" Tommy yells.

  "I got it from an Ancient Water Temple but I cant keep it with me at all times for some strange reason. I believe it goes back to the temple." I say and Techno nods.

  "Do you remember where the temple is?" Techno asks and i turn to him looking straight in his pig mask trying to just a glimpse of any emotion or a hint of what he looks like underneath that mask.

  "Yes, The coordinates are engraved in my mind."

  "How close do you say itll be from here?" Techno asks as he gets closer to me and I raise an eyebrow at the pig hybrid, I look and see his right ear twitched as he asked it. Making me realize, the Blade has a weakness.

  "Tell me what you know about Poseidon then I'll think about it." I say as I get closer to his mask.

  Why do you wear this Technoblade. Whats underneath this mask that makes you shield the whole world of your identity. What made you wear this skull mask....

  "WILBUR!" Someone says making us all look to the new voice and i quickly get my Bow out and load it with a arrow and take aim towards a blonde haired Male, i notice the movement beside me making me believe that Techno took out his Axe or Sword from his belt.

  "DONT ATTACK!" Wilbur yells and gets infront of us making me lower my loaded bow and Techno lowering his axe.

  "This is my father, Philza." Wilbur calmly said but I keep my guard up until i see whats on Phils back.

  "You...you have wings?" I ask Philza as he gets closer, His black wings tucked behind his back.

  Once he heard my question, he turns to me with widened eyes as he notices my tucked wings aswell.

  "Good god. I thought I was the last one.." Phil says as I notice tears in the corner of his eyes but he quickly wipes them away.

  "Same as well." I say with little to no emotions, i wasnt gonna show my emotions to this man just yet. Just because we are the same breed means shit to me, He can be an enemy for all I know.

  "I reckon they are related." Tommy says to wilbur with a smirk and Wilbur rolls his eyes.

  "We are not related. I should know, my family is dead." I say making everyone go completely silent.

  "Awkward much." Techno says to Wilbur making me crack a smile.

  This pig is really getting on my nerves with showing emotions when I shouldn't be.

  Fuck you Technoblade.


  Hullo my little Reapers! Hannah back with another chapter!

  I really hope you all liked it cause it was very fun to make! I know i havent been updating but I haven't been feeling myself lately and Im finally getting back in the swing of things!

  If you guys could, please give me a follow so you can see other contenf I give out. Its completely free and you can unfollow if you dont like it :)

  Anywaysss yall know the drill by now. *clears throat* PLEASE SMACK THAT VOTE BUTTON IN THE FACE! I love you all and I appreciate your existence. Bye bye!!!

  -Hannah 🐽

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