{Chapter 9}

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  A couple of days has passed since the encounter with Quackity, Fundy and Dream has occurred, that day when I found out that Dream knew about my past lover Ethan. I knew that I was a major part of this war, I knew I couldnt run away from this. I have to fight in this war, finding out that someone knew about Ethan tore apart my soul. Knowing that I couldn't hide that part of my past good enough. So get my mind off of everything I decided to go on a hunting trip, but all things must come to an end.

  When I finally reach Pogtopia I noticed that it was very quiet. Until I heard swords clashing against together and yelling happening making me sigh. Tommy is either trying to start a fight with Wilbur, or Wilbur isnt listening to what Techno is saying.

  "What do you mean my arm isnt straight! Its been straight so I dont know what your saying Blade!" Wilbur yells making me groan. Definitely Wilbur.

  "Wilbur will you just listen to me! Or you will die in this battle!" Techno yells back and once I get to the area, I notice everyone is here and has a stone or wooden sword basing on their skillset. Im quite surprised to see that Tommy is holding a stone sword but I just realize that hes a natural fighter, quite sad at this age but still overall impressive.

  "Y/n your back!" Niki says in a excited tone making me smile.

  "How was the hunting trip?" Phil asks as he gets closer to me.

  "It was good. Killed a few things." I say and I notice Tommy is staring at me making me raise an eyebrow.

  "Wheres the animals?" He asks making me scoff.

  "Who said I was killing animals." I say making the boy go even paler.

  "Make any progress?" I ask Techno as he walks over, his Mask lopsided but he fixes it.

  "Tommy and Phil are promising, but Wilbur. Thats another story." He says and I just sigh.

  "They arent even close to being ready for this are they." I say and he just slowly shakes his head, making me sigh and look at the sky. Wondering how I can efficiently kill someone when im in air.

  "I need to teach you close combat as well y/n." He says but i scoff.

  "Why do i need close combat when I'll always be in the air." I say and he just shakes his head in defeat and goes back to teaching Wilbur the basics.

  "It wouldnt hurt to know the basics Y/n. I have wings but im still training with a sword incase im unable to fly away." Phil says and i just shake my head.

  "That will never happen, I was the always the fastest in our village Phil. Noone could beat me and still cant." I say and he just raises an eyebrow.

  "It wouldnt hurt to know." And i just shake my head.

  "It wouldnt benefit me." I say and he just stays silent looking into the distance.

  "Did you know our kind was the best when it came with hand to hand combat." Phil says and I just look at him.

  "Because most of our ancestors wings were cut off so they learbed to survive, and we were so goddamn good that people feared of our race. Until were killed off by them." He says and I just look at the ground.

  "Because of them my family is gone y/n. Dont make the same mistake your parents made." He says and he walks away to Wilbur and give him a big hug.

  Who said I was like them, Im better than that organization. Im better then those wannabe scientists.

  "Hes right you know." Someone says and whip my head up and I see the pigman himself.

  "That old man doesnt know shit." I mumble making Techno chuckles.

  "IM 32 YOU CUNT!" Phil yells making me groan. Stupid phil and his hearing.

  "How the hell did he hear that?" Techno asks and I look back at him.

  "Our Kind has really good ears. Comes in handy when you are in the sky or on a stealth mission. Or LISTENING TO SOMEONES PRIVATE CONVERSATION!" I yell makinh Phil laugh and go back to his conversation with Wilbur.

  "Huh. No wonder he can here so much." He says making me raise an eyebrow.

  "Ah yes, Mr. Philza Minecraft can see and hear everything." I say making Techno smirk.

  "So Y/n. Whos Ethan?" He asks making my smile disappear and look at him.

  "Nobody." I say and he just smiles.

  "Aww come on, he has to be somebody for you to almost go on dreams side." He says and i just shake my head and turn my head to Wilbur and Philza getting in fighting stance.

  "Oh dont be like that." He says with a hint of curiosity but I just stay silent. This pig is on some thin fucking Ice.

  "My past doesnt involve you. You dont need to know you pig." I say while giving a side glance and he just shakes his head.

  "Im a piglin brute mixed with human you pathetic little bird." He says through his teeth and still watches as Phil have a higher advantage in this mock fight with his son.

  "Looks like we both dont know eachother little piggy." I say

  "Then tell me. What are you y/n?" He asks while looking at me not knowing that someone is watching this interaction unfold.

  "A killer." I say and I look to my side, not noticing a dark figure is watching me from the trees.

  'I told you I'll be back for you y/n.'

  HELLO MY LOVELY READERS! HANNAH BACK HERE WITH ANOTHER CHAPTER AND I REALLY HOPE YOU LIKED IT, Sadly it wasnt filled with action but no worries. There will be much more action and gore in later chapters, and i wonder who the dark figure is?

  ANYWAYSSSS I REALLY HOPED YALL ENJOYED CHAPTER 9 OF REAPER AND IF YOU CAN PLEASE SMACK THAT VOTE BUTTON IN THE FUCKING FACE! And if you could, give a follow if you havent already. Its completely free and you can unfollow anytime!

  I love you all and please remember that i appreciate your existence :)

  -Hannah ♡

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