{Chapter 6}

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As the days go by, my only thoughts have been training Tommy, Tubbo and Wilbur on the Long range attacks.

Easier said then done, these people have no idea how to properly hold a bow or even the proper technique on Swordsmanship. Phil is a different story, he has been sucking up the knowledge and techniques we are teaching him while he has been telling me stories of his village that was filled with our kind, and a bunch of different variety wings he has seen. Apparently my Black wings like his are very rare, White and Brown wings were the most common.

  "Tell me Phil. How do you know so much information about her village?" Techno asks as I'm nowhere near.

  "I lived in her village before I left to explore the world." Phil said as I'm looking around for that blonde headed tall kid.

  "TOMMY WHERE ARE YOU!" I yell in the ravine as I'm flying around to look for him faster.

  "Tommy is late again isnt he." Philza said and Techno nods as Wilbur walks up to them in his new outfit while looking at a Polaroid photo.

  "Oh hello." Wilbur says and puts away the photo in his pocket.

  "Tommy late again?" Wilbur asks and Phil nods as i get even more frustrated and putting a hand through my hair in frustration. Not knowing that a pigman is staring me down trying to see if he could get me even more pissed off.

  "Maybe he ditched." Techno says.

  "TOMMY INNIT YOU HAVE 5 SECONDS BEFORE I SHOT THIS ARROW IN YOUR FUCKING CHEST!" I yell making the two men all look at eachother in terror and the other satisfied with my wording.

  "Im here woman. Calm down." Tommy says as he comes out wearing not his usual L'manburg outfit. Instead he is wearing a white shirt with red accents and blue jeans and a red scraft around his neck.

  "What happened to the L'manburg uniform?" I ask as I fly down to his level and he just rolls his eyes.

  "Didnt want to get it dirty. Duh." He says as he grabs a bow and arrow and heads out of the cave. I then look at the other three.

  "He is going through some changes reaper, He'll be okay." Wilbur says and I look at Philza and Techno and they both just shrug and Techno goes back to the potato farm. What is up with that pig and potatoes, who knows at this point. I just shrug the thought away and head outside.

  Once i get outside i notice he is already shooting at the tree i marked up as target practice, but him failing miserably missing the tree by like six feet to the left. I can tell easily he is getting frustrated at the fact that he cant hit the target and the fact that he was forced out of his home. I know that feeling all too well Tommy.

  All too well..

  "Your aim is completely off by six feet." He looks up from his loaded bow and turns to me with a face that just screams help me.

  "Dont even get me started on your stance. Your feet shouldnt be facing the tree, your feet need to be facing towards the lake." I say as I get closer to fix his stance.

  "How the fuck do you do this." He asks as I tell he is easily getting irritated.

  "Pretty easily actually. With a calm state of mind, something that you wont comprehend anytime soon." I say making him groan.

  "Look. I can tell something is on your mind, so tell me. What is on your mind." I say as I try to make his stance better.

  "Fucking J'Schlatt. He took my home, our home and decided to name it something that we dont stand for. Who the fuck names a country Manburg!" Tommy yells as I make him pull back on his loaded bow.

  "Who names a Country L'manburg." I say in retaliation making him sigh.

  "Touché" he says making me chuckle.

  "Now. Look at the target and breathe in and out." I say while pointing at the target, I then look at Tommy noticing he is taking my instructions in.

  "Good. Now...Shoot." I say and once I said that he lets go of the string letting the arrow free and hitting the tree but not perfectly. Slightly off target but at least he hit something this time.

  "Good job guys!" Someone says making me turn around and grab the small pocket knife at their throat but im face to face with Philza whos hands are up in defense.

  "gods fucking damn it Philza, you cant scare us like that." I say and I turn and notice that Tommy lowered his bow that was pointing straight at Philza.

  "At least your teated his reflexes. But I doubt that he wouldve hit you." I say making him scoff.

  "Shove off Reaper." Tommy says as he goes back down the mines making me roll my eyes.

  "ITS Y/N DIPSHIT!" I yell

  "AND WE ARENT DONE WITH OUR LESSON!" I yell again but I dont hear him reply making me sigh.

  "Theyll come around with the name. I promise." Phil says making me look up at him.

  "I dont think they will, but one can hope." I say

  "Thats another thing we have in common Miss Reaper." Someone says behind me and I recognize that voice instantly.

  "And what is that Mr. Blade." I say in a mocking tone and he walks towards me and gets close to my face, Well his mask does.

  "No one calls us by our real names." He says in a softer monotone voice making my heart beat much faster.

  "They'll come around guys. Trust me." Phil says making us both look at him, as Techno and Philza start talking more my mind only thinks of one thing.

  They wont call me by my real name.. why's that.



  AND BACK WITH ANOTHER CHAPTER OF THE REAPER! I really hope yall enjoyed it! Please note. I am in college, which means. I can barely update but I am trying my best to update all my books. My main focuses are Mark of a hero And The Reaper, as you can tell but all my books I love equally.

  Anywayssss! We are SOOOOO close to 1K followers and i really hope yall could consider following me. Its completely free and you can unfollow me if you want.



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