The Crown

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The next morning, you wandered downstairs looking for George who was already up and ready. He had preemptively set out a cup of coffee for you.

"We are doing the shoot today, yes?" He questioned. "What should I wear?"

You reached for the coffee, "Actually, you are just going to need to be in boxers,"

He cast you a concerned look, "Just my underwear?"

"The concept is skin and intimacy," The realization that he had no idea what was being painted set in. "That's if you are ok with it!"

He stood there for a moment looking at you, "Oh well, why not,"

    He started to pull off his shirt, tossing it to the side. The light from the living room window basked his skin in the morning light. His lean muscles contracted as the shit went over his head. He was going to be one of the best specimens yet to photograph.

"Well I'm already half done with prep," He started to untie his pants.

. . .

Setting up took a little bit, you moved all of the furniture except for one couch with the backdrop of a medium grey sheet. There was one plain white sheet on it, that's all. You set up the tripod to face it and had George sit down with the sheet artfully covering the upper half of his legs. The last thing to get the mood going was a little bit of music in the background.

"I'm going to do a few test shots ok?" You called out to him from behind the camera.

"Ok!" George responded.

"Look to the ceiling and smile," His side profile was proportionate and smooth. "Hang that arm over the couch," His fingers contrasted the deep navy velvet. "Arch your side a little more," His pale skin blended with the sheet, like an angel.

All of the shots that were taken were zoomed in, showing his fair complexion against the different colors. The face shots were your favorite, though there was a slight detail that was off.

"How are they looking?" George called out.

"Fantastic, actually!" You bit your fingernail thinking, "Say, would you be ok with me wetting your hair?" You peeked out from behind the camera smiling.

. . .

You tilted his head under the sink guiding him so he didn't hit himself.

"It might be cold," You said sheepishly.

Water ran over his head, you placed a hand on his warm bare back to comfort him a little. You let your fingers run through his once fluffy brown hair to now a silky slick black.

Tapping his shoulder, "Stand up slowly, your hair is completely wet,"

He stood up then shook his head like a dog flinging water everywhere. His eyes crinkled with the large smile he was sporting.

"Argh!" You shielded yourself from the spray.

"My hair is still so wet," He grabbed your waist with both hands, burrowing his head in your abdomen.

"Nononono!" You tried to push him away to no avail as he made a large wet mark on your shirt.

Crouching down, George slid his hand into your shirt pulling it to dry off the sides of his head. As his hand briefly touched your navel, you flinched a little trying to ignore your stomach feeling like it was flip flopping.

"God this shirt is really soft," George rubbed the side of his face against your shirt and subsequently your torso.

"Back to the sofa!" You ordered, "I am not your resident towel!"

    As George got positioned, Daddy Issues came on, you smiled to yourself. The next pictures you would take would be your favorite. For the first, you had him lean on the couch with one of his legs up, the sheet still placed where it was needed. You then asked him to toss his head back, some of his wet hair sticking to his face and some slinging back throwing water into the air. All captured in the afternoon light. Daddy Issues lulled on in the background.

I taste you on my tongue.

The next you had him stare straight at the camera, you even tossing him a fake gold crown to put on. He was asked to slightly smile while gently holding a stand of wet hair in his fingers. The crown was the perfect amount of lopsided and his dark eyes pierced the camera.

Ask you what I'm thinking about, I tell you that I'm thinking about, whatever you're thinking about.

You watched George from behind the camera, you were fixated on his stunning face. He carefully twirled the hair in his fingers.

Its crazy what you'll do for a friend

The last one you took, Cash was included. You wanted it to be candid so you had his mess around with her until you got the perfect photo. He was bent down at her level, smiling, as she pounced at his hand. The crown still atop his head.

Nobody does it like you do

    He lifted Cash above his head, his lean yet toned arms slightly flexing.

I know that you got daddy issues.

The shoot wrapped up shortly after that. You excused yourself as George played with Cash still barely clothed. Dashing off to the bathroom you stared at yourself in the mirror. Your stomach was slightly twisted and your cheeks had a rosy hue to them. This had never happened to you and a subject before, why was this time different?
Questions aside, you had an evening dinner with George.

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