The First Taste

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"You take so long to get ready!" George yelled at you from downstairs.

You stepped out of Georges room on mildly wobbly ankles. You had on a dark green cashmere dress with a black silk corset. Your legs were completely bare up until you got to the ankle high black high heel boots. You stepped down the stairs carefully all while being subject to George's gaze.

"Stop staring at meee," You whined.

George extended a hand to you, "M'lady,"

You giggled grabbing your coat, "Ooh how fancy,"

Opening the front door George remarked, "I'm driving by the way,"

    Just down the steps and to the left was a small garage. Opening it would reveal a sleek black Audi coupe. Only big enough to fit two people comfortably. You got situated in the soft leather seats as George started the car. The engine made a low purr before coming to life.

"Are you ready?" George smiled with a now gloved hand on the gearshift.

"Is this about to become Fast and Furious?" The way he looked made you a bit concerned.

George changed gears as he reversed, "No no, this baby is stick shift,"

"So first it was a Yeezy hype beast now it's a car guy?" You snickered.

"I am not a car guy, I just like fast cars," George peeled out of his neighborhood.

"Oh my god!" Your body was pressed back into its seat as he accelerated.

George laughed at your terror, "I just had to make sure you were awake,"

    You glared at him as he focused on driving. His shifting gears ended up catching your attention. The leather gloves hugging his hands tight, wrinkling at each slight movement of his fingers. You cursed yourself out for not having your camera, he looked incredible in his all black attire, shifting, and leaning back slightly into his seat.

. . .

As you got out of the car, George linked his arm with yours. A large stone building stood before you all lit up with fancy lights. Other guests were entering dressed in elegant attire, thank god you didn't wear jeans. As you walked in, you were greeted by a large water feature behind the reception desk.
"You did not take me to one of these fine ass restaurants, Imma see a froot loops bird," You whispered in George's ear.

He laughed at your spoof on another joke, "You may not see it, but you might eat it,"

A waiter walked up to you both, "What a beautiful couple, Davidson reservation yes?"

You felt a shock go through your body but it wasn't surprising since you were standing there, arms linked.

"Is it a special anniversary for you both?" The waiter beamed seeming to point the question at you.

Giggling uncomfortably, "Oh we aren't dating,"

The waiter gave you a little side eye, "Are you sure?" He whispered, "Oh would you look at that, your table! I will have someone with you shortly."

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