Chapter 1

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Loki's POV

Second. Second. Second. It's all I ever hear as I walk down the halls of the great Asgardian kingdom. Though no one speaks it to my face, it's as if I can hear their laughs and feel their fingers pointing at me. I have every right to come second, anyway. I'm not Odinson, and I'm certainly not Laufeyson. I'm nothing. I've always been nothing. And now "nothing" is standing in front of the Bifrost, ready to be exiled... 


"Until you can learn to work as a team, you will stay there. In fact, there is someone, in particular, I believe you'll be interested in meeting," Odin assured me. 

I rolled my eyes, annoyed with the nonsense he was speaking. "And who exactly would that be?" 

"Your sister," he said plainly. 

My eyes and ears perked up as I looked back to his one eye. Thor, standing silently to the side did the same as me. My sister? As in... Hela?

"You don't mean-"

"Your biological sister lived in a coma for quite a while. Exactly twenty-three years ago, we sent her down on earth. She's a few years older than you, and in fact quite powerful. When I saw you as a baby I knew I couldn't leave you there to die. Your sister guarded you with everything she had but I was able to convince her you would be in better hands if you were with me. We managed to change her form to human and wipe her memory. She lived in an orphanage as a child and it's all history," he explained to us all.

I was frozen in disbelief, unable to comprehend what he had just told me. "Y-you mean to tell me you took me in but couldn't do the same to my sister, forcing me to live over a thousand years without the knowledge of her own existence!" My voice rose to a high scream, angered by the actions of my father. 

"Loki-" he started. I quickly disappeared from their view, most likely entering Midgard. I screamed as I tumbled between the tunnel-like Bifrost, yet continually amazed by the colorful streaks around me. Every time, it became more and more mesmerizing. I eventually settled into a comfortable position, finally able to admire the colors flying past me. It was as if the wind itself had color within it. 

In the distance, I could see hard cement ground, signaling my arrival to Midgard. I tried desperately to slow down, not wanting to hit the ground as hard as I knew I would. Unfortunately, it had done nothing to help as I landed on my back on the hard cement ground, bumping my head on a nearby trashcan. I groaned in pain, pushing myself up to my feet. 

"Stupid Midgardians. Why would they put such a dangerous box in the middle of this..." I looked around, confused as to where I was. On both sides of me were tall cement walls. I looked in front of me, seeing the wide-open city, spread out and obnoxiously loud. "...Where am I?" I slowly walked forward, shielding my eyes from the bright light in front of me. That light which I soon learned to be the sun. 

"How could anyone enjoy living here?" I muttered under my breath. I looked all around me, finding busy Midgardians rushing around on mobile vehicles or even some contraption with wheels and pedals. I stepped in front of a man riding one of the contraptions, pushing him off and examining the strange thing. 

"HEY, MAN! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!" the strange Midgardian yelled at me. I silently waved my hand in front of his forehead, making him forget what he had seen and walk away. I examined the strange thing in peace, searching it in awe. I spun the wheel in a circle, letting out a small chuckle. 

Remembering the words of Odin, I quickly snapped out of my admiration and walked up to the man I had just stolen the contraption from. 

"Excuse me, sir!" I grabbed onto his shoulder. "Tell me where the nearest orphanage is," I demanded to know.

"That would be the Mercy Home for Boys and Girls. It's right over there." He pointed past my shoulder, revealing a large rundown building with that same name. I walked away from him without a word, rushing to the orphanage. I sprinted across the road, close to getting run over multiple times. I aggressively pulled the door open, running to the desk. 

"Ma'am! Do you remember a girl at this orphanage who lived here her whole life? She should be in her early twenties now?"

"There are many kids who are lifers, unfortunately. Do you have a name?" she asked, refusing to make eye contact with me as she flipped through files. 

"No, I don't. But possibly she stood out? This girl was... different. Maybe it seemed as if her eyes glowed a bright red from time to time?" I asked desperately. 

The woman looked at me with wide eyes. I could finally see the wrinkles that gently wrapped her face, possibly even making it difficult for her to keep her eyes open. Her white hair was thin and short, resting messily on the top of her head. "Just a moment." She walked away, leaving me impatient and worried. As I tapped my finger on the counter, I glanced at group pictures on the walls. I walked towards them, finding the same girl, standing in the same place, in the majority of them. 

The woman walked up to me silently, clearing her throat before speaking. "Y/n Leto is who you're looking for. Unfortunate story and even worse childhood. Strange one if you ask me. I believe she still lives in Chicago, but I'm not permitted to give you any private information." 

I placed my hand by her forehead, whispering in her ear, "You will tell me where she is."

"Forty-minute walk from here. Apartments in Chicago on E. Wacker Drive. Room 4b." 

I let go of her quickly, running out of the building. As I asked for directions from the common Midgardians, many seemed to have given me a chill down my spine. Each one answered in a different and even special way. There were few who truly helped. 


When I finally got to the apartment room, I knocked on the door once, immediately hearing glass crack and shatter behind the door. 

"CALEB I TOLD YOU TO LEAVE!" a female voice boomed from across the room. A few seconds later, the door opened, revealing a young-looking girl holding a bottle of vodka in her right hand. Mascara and eyeliner were dripping from her face. Huge bags coated the bottoms of her eyes, leaving a puffy red look. 

"Midgard certainly hasn't been good to you, darling," was all I could manage to say. 

And that's a wrap for the first chapter of "The Lost"! I really really hope you all love the beginning of this story as much as I do! For those of you who read my first book, I can promise you this one is written much better! I would appreciate a like of course or even a comment, but I'll try to update at least once a week. 



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