Chapter II: Life and Death

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"Traya!" Palpatine shouted to his apprentice, "Come my boy, there is much for you to learn if you are to accomplish your goals,"

"Of course Master, but what of your goals? Why have my goals set first if Jedi still live?" Traya questioned the old man. Truthfully, all Traya wanted was for his goals to be met, but of course his Master always came first.

"The Jedi are a secondary task for you, but I shall, through you, finish them. Now, my apprentice, life and death. You know more about death than the average man. You've experienced it first hand. You've had too many people die to just ignore death. With your Jedi Master's death, your best friend's death, and even the death of the one you loved most, you simply have too much experience with death. I honor you for surviving that. However, you have much to learn about life. Life can be extended, created, and even revived using the Dark Side. You, Traya, must witness... LIFE!" Palpatine finished loudly, thrusting his fist from his cloak. He opened it up and revealed a small animal similar to a hummingbird from Earth. Traya was amazed. Before this, the only way to create life he knew of was scientifically and naturally. Now he knew of a new way. Forcefully. It was an amazing feat of nature that such a thing could happen, but Palpatine's Master had been a vivid user of Force Life, as Palpatine had come to call it. Speechless, Traya stood with his mouth wide open with utter amazement.

"One day, Darth Traya, you too shall learn the ways of the Dark Side that allow this kind of power. Theone thing my Master was unable to do... was revive life. He was able to extend lives of other organisms... Just not his own. His teaching are now my burden to teach to you, then they shall be yours to teach after my death. Now, a mission. Not one of learning, but one to get experienced. A group of Jedi Padawans has been located by my spies on the planet Oben in Wild Space. You are to go to said planet and execute them. Good luck, Lord Traya," Palpatine spoke slowly as if he were reading from a script, but obviously knew what he was saying. Traya knew it was up[ to him to exterminate these potential threats. Maybe one day the mysterious spies would find Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Traya might be allowed to execute him. One day... One day I can do whatever I want.

One day, I'll rule the Galaxy.

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