CHAPTER X: Control

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Back on Centax-3, The Emperor realized he had been fooled. He feel to his knees and shouted into the air, 

"The Force! It is calling me home! Get my shuttle ready now!"


The two Lambda shuttles landed within a minute of each other. 

"Traya! You must've felt it too... What's going on?" Palpatine questioned his apprentice.

"Master! I thought something happened to you!" Traya replied.

"Well," Palpatine began, "We will have to return to the throne room and meditate. Maybe will learn the meaning of this disturbance," 

"As you wish, my master," Traya answered.


The Sith duo entered the Throne room. Something seemed to switch on in the master. Palpatine fell over and flew to the Throne. The apprentice immediately drew his saber and leaped over to the Throne to help his Master. But he wasn't quick enough. The Throne was blown off the floor right at him.


Traya looked at the huge chair hurtling towards him. His quick instincts saved him, he deflected the chair with the Force and stared at his attacker.

"I thought you were dead," Traya said.

"A Jedi Master... has ways," The cloaked man replied, "Your Master actually thought he killed me too. You Sith are easily deceived. Or maybe you're too confident in yourselves. I'm not sure. Either way, I deceived both of you,"

"You... you are strong in the Force Master... But I can't join you. I made an oath to the Sith. The Sith are the only ones that can help me achieve things that the Jedi would never be able to. I hope you understand that I must destroy you once and for all Master Faalo," Traya said calmly.

"You will try to defeat me Zoda, but you can never defeat me," Faalo finished, while drawing his double balded saber. Traya drew his two sabers and prepared for battle. The Jedi was confident, but Traya knew he could win. However, as he was strategising his oponent's defeat, he was pounced upon by the agile old man. It came as a surprise to the Sith Lord, who fell backwards onto the floor, shouting in pain as his arm was impaled by the Jedi's lightsaber. Faalo immediately removed the lightsaber, obviously wanting a fair fight. Filled with rage, Traya stormed at his opponent, lightsabers in his hand ready to be part of the fight. Sparks flew as the lightsabers collided. Traya had a saber for each side of Faalo's. Faalo was quicker though, and he got a blow to Traya's lightsaber, which broke into pieces on the floor. Single bladed now, Zoda used all of his rage to disarm his opponent. He was close, but he was overconfident and Faalo got in a Force push, knocking the Sith over to the other side of the room. 

Now with no sabers, the Sith Lord ran to his master for help. The old wrinkled Sith Lord glanced up and softly began speaking.

"Finish him... Lord Traya. Take my saber, you will win," Palpatine told his apprentice, before falling back into unconsciousness. Traya picked up the saber and felt the Emperor's power flowing thorughout him. His eyes burned with the fury of his Master. His lightsaber absorbed electricity from the Force, and lightning resonated from it. He spun the lightsaber around and jumped. Faalo shouted in fear, truely terrified by the Dark Lord lunging at him. The lightsaber swung and the Jedi Master was thrown across the room, lightsaaber in ruins. 

"Fool," Faalo said, "You can... never defeat me,"

"We'll see about that!" Traya replied, with an evil grin across his face. Once again, however, the Jedi was simply to fast for him, with decades more training under his belt. The Jedi Jumped up and kicked. That kick is what destroyed the Sith Lord. He fell back, dropping the lightsaber. The Jedi picked it up, somehow able to handle its power. He took four swings at the Sith Lord. One swing took the Traya's right hand, one took the rest of that arm, one took a leg, and the last one was more of a flurry of swings, completely cutting up Traya's chest. Suddenly the pain stopped coming. He looked up and there was a dead Jedi Master before him.

Palpatine had a shocked look on his face. His apprentice's body would need reforming. He needed to he stronger. It would take a while, but he could fix Traya. Only time would tell what would happen to the Sith. The time had come to begin construction as well. With the Death Star and his apprentice fully operational, the Galaxy would be his. Traya looked like he was in a lot of pain, but this would be a learning experience for the young Sith Lord.

"The Jedi have no chance in this Galaxy,"

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