Chapter IV: Expect the Unexpected

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"You killed a Jedi Master? Why would you not see my opinion on this matter?" Sideous yelled at his apprentice.

"But Master, that was my mission!" Trays argued, to no avail.

"No, I ordered you to kill Padawans! Never did I say anything about killing a Master!"

"Master, that's simply a technicality! Anyways, he was weak, he couldn't do anything for us, he didn't even know who I was," Traya finished calmly.

Sideous calmed himself as well, "Very well. I apologize, my apprentice. You've proven yourself very useful at this point... I will give you a very difficult challenge next. There is an Imperial Base near the Hoth system. I want you to take your ship and kill everyone inside that space station, Imperial or otherwise. Don't question me my apprentice, just trust me. There will be an attack by a Jedi on said space station the day I send you to attack. Don't worry my apprentice, I'd never ask you to do something I didn't believe you could do. The Jedi in question is powerful, Vo'ren Faalo, but I believe you can do this, Darth Traya. Good luck, my apprentice. You will do great,"

Traya returned to his room. He thought back to his Jedi days. He remembered that Jedi...

Master Faalo was his best friend's Master.

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