Chapter 2 - The Devil's Offer

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Jack's eyelids fluttered open. Am-am I finally dead? He thought for a moment. He could barely move, he could feel the burns covering his body, his burnt suit revealing his injuries to the cold, empty atmosphere. Jack lifted his head up to look at his surroundings, pain pushing him back down to the ground. It was just black, nothing else. Is this The Void? Jack pondered for a moment, laying on the non-existent ground. He closed his eyes once again, hoping his body would heal at least a little while he rested.

(Time Skip)

Jack woke up, once again, still in the empty void. He sat up, it hurt a little but not as much as before. He managed to carefully take off his suit jacket to see how much of it want burnt. He was stunned, the majority of the back had been burnt away, That would explain why my back hurts so much, Jack thought bitterly. He then had the feeling there was someone else with him in The Void. He frantically looked all around The Void, trying to stay calm. He noticed in the distance a figure. Jack squinted his eyes to focus on who it was. Who would be in The Void? He questioned taking a moment to realize who it was, once they started to walk towards Jack. He started to panic, not only was he completely alone, he could barely move, let alone defend himself from him.

"I wouldn't recommend you try to run, Kennedy, I know every inch of The Void and I'm not here to attack you anyways, I would like to offer you something."
Jack paused to listen to what he had to say, confused.
"Like hell I'd accept your offer, Henry Miller, you killed my family and my friends, even myself. Why would I listen to you?"
Henry stopped and stood over Jack, a wide smile spread across his face. His voice sounded confident, like it was scripted and practiced for a show, "Face it, Jack, I could end you right here, right now. But, I would like to give you something to think about.
"When you finally pass on with your soul, I want you to do something for me and I'll do something for you in return."
Jack looked up at Henry confused, yet intrigued, he spoke with curiosity, "Alright, I'm listening."
"All you have to do is become my vessel and do a couple of tasks for me, and I shall protect you with all the power I have."

Jack thought about the offer for a moment, Am I Henry's last resort or something? I thought we had destroyed him. What could he want with me and what are these tasks he wants me to do for him? These thoughts spiralled around in Jack's mind, before he was snapped out of it by Henry saying something, "I'll give you time to decide since you clearly haven't made up your mind yet." Then Henry vanished just as fast as he had appeared, leaving Jack all alone once again.

This took way longer that I would have liked to admit to finally publish -w-
I was planning this out and decided that the chapter should play out differently than I had originally planned, since I literally couldn't think of anything to lead it with.
I kinda got into another fandom while I was on I guess my break? But I'm back and full of motivation for this AU.

I hope you enjoyed this and cya in the next chapter!

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