[10] 《Barista》

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Nct 127 as baristas and you're their new co-worker



-The owner of the shop
-Once he opened the shop, all of his friends joined him which he's thankful for
-Doesn't talk much and is reserved
-Is only strict towards certain workers
-His rules are: always be on time, be quiet, be nice to costumers, don't be like Yuta
-Doyoung helps him out a lot when he's stressed
-Costumers try to talk to him but he declines because 1) his work is more important and 2) he isn't interested in anybody
-Taeil:"M/n, you should stay away from Johnny"
-Doesn't trust Johnny which is why he's so caring towards you



-Is always flirting with everyone
-Let it be a man, a woman or a non binary costumer, he's gonna flirt with you
-Gets tons of phone numbers from costumers
-Is always seen with either Jaehyun, Mark or Ten
-Loves to tease Taeil
-Really playful and fun to work with
-Takes video's and pictures of everyone
-Johnny:"M/n, don't listen to Taeil. He's just jealous that you like me more than him"
-If there is one thing that he loves more than teasing Taeil, then it's flirting with you



-The most caring co-worker
-Always asks everyone how they're feeling
-Can't stand it when something is dirty, that's why you'll mostly see him cleaning
-Smiles at every costumer which makes people fall in love with him even more
-You have a bad day? No, need to worry. This man is gonna make your day better
-I can imagine him being clumsy when he first became a barista
-He would probably spill the drinks but no one is mad at him
-Taeyong:"M/n, if you want to, you can go home earlier. I'll do the work for you"
-M/n:"Taeyong, you really don't need to-"
-Taeyong:"End of the discussion. You're gonna go home and rest"



-Always on time, he comes to work way earlier than Taeil
-Gets annoyed easily by costumers (or Haechan)
-Tries to be perfect in everything he does
-Helps Taeil which is the reason why the members tease these two the most
-Costumers try to get his attention but he just ignores them once he realizes that they only want his attention
-Taeyong and Doyoung work together a lot but at the same time they hate each other (in a loving way)
-Doesn't care about you at all (but at the same time he does care)
-Doyoung:"Can't you see that I'm working?!"



-Is always late
-Doesn't care much about anyone but he joined because he saw how overworked Taeil was
-Is savage to everyone even to costumers
-Teases every single one of his friends just to get reactions out of them
-Always around Mark
-Didn't even know that you were the new barista
-Even after a month, he would still get surprised
-Yuta:"Who are you?"
-Is most of the time asleep unless Doyoung forces him to work because Taeil doesn't care anymore



-Charming as always
-Does his work and is unbothered
-The shop would burn down and Jaehyun wouldn't even care
-Costumers come only to see him
-May look hot but this man is extremely awkward around new people
-The only time where he flirts is when he wants a tip which always works out
-Helps you out a lot and is always ready to listen to you
-You're blushing whenever he looks at you
-Jaehyun:"M/n, I bet that I can get more tips than you"
-M/n:"You'll lose"
-Loves to make bets with you because he's competitive, but he never wins



-The sweetheart in person
-Always smiling
-Looks out for everyone
-Sometimes forgets the orders and he needs to ask over and over again because he wants to be sure that he has the right order
-Costumers love to listen to his voice because he sounds so soft
-Whenever someone asks for his number, he gives it to them because he can't say no
-You trust Jungwoo a lot and that's why you always come to him when you don't know what to do
-Jungwoo:"M/n, you look beautiful today"
-M/n:"Thank you" [blushing]
-Loves to compliment you



-The most fun to work with
-He gets along with everyone
-Acts like a little kid sometimes
-Hypes you up on your first day as a barista
-You mostly forget to take orders just because Mark loves to get your attention
-A lot of rap battles between Johnny and Mark
-Costumers like him a lot because he's so cute
-Can't take anything seriously
-Taeil:"Today, I want everything to be perfect-"
-Mark [laughing]
-Mark [Goes to the corner, where Yuta is currently sitting at]


This one is my new imagine that I wrote today for Instagram. I just changed the Y/n to M/n as usual when I use one of my imagines from Instagram.

Stay safe and take care.

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