Chapter Nine

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When Nova and the team got back to base, Scientists of all kinds crowded around her. She was asked a wall of questions so rapidly even Toby didn't understand a word.

"EVERYONE BACK UP!!" Toby yelled blocking them from her, "Nova here just lost everything in life and needs some time to adjust. I'm taking her to my home where she can take a nap and get some food. If i see one doctor or scientist other then Max Or Adam, you're getting a post-apocalyptic survivor on your tail and his foot up your ass. And he's pregnant and cranky."

They cleared a way so Max and Toby could guide her to their little apartment. Once there Toby sat her on the couch with a blanket and Max started making dinner for the three of them. 

"You can rest here for a little while. We'll get you a bed soon enough. Are you okay, i know this is a lot to adjust to." Toby said, kneeling down by her. 

"I don't want the war coming here, Tyrian coming here. He's evil and he thinks he should rule everything. No one else gets a say. My mom said there were people fighting against him and hopefully they win but she wanted me far away.... they were taking children away.  "

"You're safe here. Get some sleep and we can talk more when you wake up, okay? I can show you around your new home. "

She nodded and rested her head against the pillows on the couch, closing her eyes.  Toby dimmed the lights and went over to Max.

"Any new information?" Maxwell asked as he placed the pasta into water.

"Just that there's a war because of a dictator named Tyrian. " Toby sat down and pinched the bridge of his nose, "There's a rebellion but he was taking children for an unknown reason as of yet and Nova's mom sent her away before they got to her. "

"We need to know how far this war is from us. " Marshall worried, "i don't want you involved. You've dealt with enough already."

Toby sighed and went toward the door, "I'll see how far i can get a radio signal to go. We know someone's out there now.  One of them is bound to be listening."


Two months later, A lot had changed. Exum was starting to explore the planet, Nova was starting to feel comfortable in her new home and was even going to start school, and Toby was now six months along with his pregnancy.

Toby was working in the shop on a radio device that could put out and recieve multiple channels at the same time to different and longer distances.

Nova came in without him realizing with his backpack as school had just let out and she wanted to tell her favorite human all about her day.

"Toby! I finished my writing workbook today and i got a new one to write sentences! And Ms. Berry said i was her star student in math; is that because im from outer space?"

Toby shooted himself from underneath the control panel, a bit covered in dust and greese, smiling brightly, "that's great Nova! Though now most everyone here is from this planet not Earth like me, Maxwell, Adam and Nick. Star student just means you're really good at it.  I'm proud of you. "

"I want to hug you but your all dirty." She said and sat down at a desk nearby to start on her homework, "I'm going to do math first then."

He laughed and went back to work. The wires needed rewiring, everything needed to be cleaned, the panel needed a few missing buttons and the monitors needed to be fixed but Toby wasn't going to give up. 
He worked so long Nova had finished her homework, got some draft paper to draw on, and started doozing off.

Maxwell came in and cooed at Nova sleeping peacefully at the slanted desk and suddenly hear Toby loudly celebrating as the monitored powered up. 

Maxwell came over and hugged him despite the filth, smiling, "you did good. "

"Took so long. Worked for weeks and its finally on. Now we can see if anyone's talking- almost anywhere. Maybe find Nova's mother. "

"We'll keep her safe until the day they are reunited."

"Damn right. She's now an honary Pierce-Holter......speaking of which we didn't really pick out a name for the baby.  Holter definitely but beyond that...i don't know. "

"Uh...Forest for a boy. We may never get the earth back but we can have a part in spirit."

Toby smiled, "Then Lailani for a girl. "

Maxwell knelt down, putting his hands on Toby's bump, "Our child is only a few more months away. Hopefully they'll know peaceful times as they grow up. "

"Not the impending war possibly coming our way as a galactic dictator plots universal nomination....Or all the unknowns of a planet we live on yet currently stands undiscovered. Or-"

"I yet it. There's a lot of things that can go wrong but we'll keep them safe no matter what happens. "

Toby nodded, "That i can agree with. "


Weeks past with Toby constantly receiving....nothing. He didn't want to be the first to send a signal incase Tyrian was on the recieving end so all he could do was listen station after station of static silence. Until he heard what Nova told them was a univeral spoken language- one that was brought to Earth in ancient times and why Nova could speak with Toby. He heard a very hushed, "Hello? Is anyone there?"

Toby immediately picked up the radio's microphone, "I'm here. Who is this?"

"This is Altas Orion. I am in need of assistance. Who am i speaking too?"

"I'm October Pierce...Pierce-Holter...Holter-Pierce? Doesn't matter. I'm not with the current galactic dictator and willing to help."

"I need a pick up; I'm currently stranded on a dead plant and I'm running out of oxygen. Sending my location now. "

"I've got your coordinates. We'll get to you. "

He picked up his phone, and called Maxwell.

"I finally got someone on the radio. They need help. I'm sending the coordinates and information to the expedition team. And im aware i can't go this time; not trying too- don't worry. This baby's got me feeling like a beached whale... how's Nova?"

"She's doing well. Wondering why your late for dinner...again."

"I'll be right there...give me five minutes....10 tops."

He got back on with Atlas once he recievied confirmation from the expendition team, "They're on their way. "

It took a good few minutes for Toby too make his way home but he was thankful to walk into two bright smiles and the smell of a freshly cooked meal.

"Toby! My teacher said you all live her now because Earth died and that you and Max were lived on it when it was dying! I bet it was really scary..."

"It was a little. There were things i had to do to survive...people i wish i didn't meet and some i wish I'd have meet sooner. Max saved me...more times than one. "

"And you saved me." She smiled and sat at the table as Maxwell served up the food. 

After dinner Maxwell started helping Nova with a school project about their family. She decided to include both her mother and her new dads. Toby on the other hand was waiting on news from the expedition team as he rubbed his swollen stomach to soothe the baby inside.

"It still feels so weird to be pregnant. So much has happened since i met you- we used to be on Earth for crying out loud. Before my biggest threat was  paraworms and did it jump from that to intergalactic dictators... and birth. "

"You rank childbirth with Tyrian?"

"I'm a human male with an experimental unterus. Death is very much a likely outcome so kind of, yeah. Both scare the shit out of me. "

"You could die!?" Nova asked concerned.

"I could, little one...but hopefully I'm not going to.  I'll fight to stay alive with every bit of me i have."

She nodded and went over, hugging him.

Hours later, deep into the night, the couple get an urgent text to come on med bay. Altas Orion had arrived

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