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"Toby? October!?"

Adam came running in. He saw the baby on October's lap still attached and Maxwell giving Toby cpr.

"Stay with me! Dont you dare die on me, October!" He yelled visibly crying as Toby's body still contracted to get rid of the afterbirth.

Adam came over and helped cut the cord to free Forest and get the baby cleaned up and swaddled.

Maxwell sighed in relief as Toby's heart started beating again and he started to breathe though shallowly. He put an oxygen mask on him and moved him on the stretcher Adam had brought along. Adam followed the frantic father with baby Forest.


When October woke up, he still had amnesia but now he had three people in his med bay room. One he recognized as Max, the other he new was Nova, and of course the baby he nearly died for.

Toby tried to sit up but his whole body cried out telling him that was a no.

"Max." He called his voice low in volume and hoarse, "Max!"

Nova heard him first, smiling brightly and waking up Maxwell. Max groaned sleepily but nearlt gasped as he saw Toby's eyes open. He went over to him and sat in the chair right beside his bed, "Hey, lovely. How do you feel?"

"Like.... very bad." He refrained from using "bad words" in front of his newborn.

"Do you remember me?" Nova asked a little nervous.

"Of course i do, sweetheart....maybe not everything but.... your smile still makes my day. " he smiled lightly.

She went by Maxwell, "can i hug you?"

Maxwell used the remote to help sit Toby up a bit more at his request. Nova was allowed to get on the bed and cuddle with her..., "i missed you, momma."

Toby nearly cried at that. Nope. He did. He held her in his arms and looked at Max, "i love you. All of you so much. "

"Want to meet your son?"

Toby nodded and Max put Forest on October's chest. He groaned at first but made Max leave the baby there. He had his kids with him and his husband. He was alive. He was home and safe and happy.

_____Many years later____

Maxwell and Toby were waiting for the program to start. The kid of the boy they'd helped so long ago, Atlas, was about to be sentenced. There children Forest and Nova, now grown adults, watched with them.

The program started and a woman appeared on screen telling every last crime Idris Orion of Viridion was convicted of from stealing important documents, to assassinations and the enialation of entire planets, including his own.

"He's my age...." Forest said saidly, "and he'll most likely be put to death."

"He killed so many people though. "

"But he was brainwashed, i watched the trail. It wasn't him doing it. "

They quieted when the sentencing began.

"Please stand."

Idris stood, chains clanking, he looked scared yet somehow calm at the same time....as if he knew his fate already.

"Idris Orion. It is only fit that the punishment of destroying so many lives be to being life back. As of this moment, you are assigned to Project Restoration. Please keep in mind that claims of brainwashing- claims although implausible, we're proven undeniable- are the only reason you are not executed. One misstep, and that fate could still very well be yours. "

The next second he was being pulled away from public eye.

Forest gawked at the screen, "that's right above us!"

"It is. And i know what you're thinking. I know he was Atlas's kid and he's your age but don't you think about seeing him during his sentence. He'll be a prisoner onboard of a capital crime, multiple capital crimes actually. " Maxwell started, "I'm on the ground force of the PRHQ. You have to get special clearance to go on the main ship that even i don't have. Only one news crew has ever been allowed but never just plain visitors."

Forest nodded. Nova hugged Toby, "at least this means the Tyrian war is over right?"

The end.

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