Who Dat?

262 5 19

𝕁𝕒𝕩 ℙ.𝕆.𝕍



I woke up in an alley. A dark alley. It smelled of manure and, ugh, is that a rotten taco? I think I'm going to barf. I stood up, thankfully not injured, but I still look like I had gotten in a catfight. I walked over to an old mirror positioned in the corner, rubbed it a little, and looked at myself. 

I had small scratches all over my face, my lips had busted, and my hair was a crow's nest. My shoes were caked with grime and my white tee was dirty as well, though it looked a month old. My pants were ripped a little and my arms were bruised a little. Yeesh, what had I done? Jumped in a dump truck full of cats and dogs? Something sparkled on my finger, and I looked at it. It was a marriage ring. I was married? OK...

Something was in the back of my pocket and I took it out. It was a scroll, and it said:

Dear Jaxon,

Hopefully, you find this. You have been erased of your memories by an evil witch. Yes, an evil witch. You need to find me as fast as you can. I don't know how long it will be after you wake up. You can find me at the first tree stump at the border of FTRS and the Hollow Woods. 


Cool, so I had to trust someone named W. Just great. 

Wait a second. 

I looked at the name again. Jaxon? My appearance did almost match the appearance of that Prince. Could that mean that I was Prince Jaxon? Then why would I be targeted by a witch? Actually, come to think of it... there are a lot of reasons why. But Jaxon could be a common name where I was from. 

I trekked out of the alleyway. I was greeted by the bright light of the sun. It looked like it was the end of summer, around October.

A nearby lady was playing with her children near a bakery. 

"Excuse me, could you tell me where I am?" I asked, approaching her slowly. Her children stopped playing and rounded back towards her mother. 

"Oh son, this is the south of Enchantasia. Do you need to go somewhere?" she asked, her bubbly voice ensuring that she was safe. 

"Yes, in fact, I need to get to FTRS," I said. Her smile faltered a little at the mention of FTRS. 

"Of course, may I ask why?" she asked as she stood and brushed off some flour from her apron. 

"I, uh, was asked to speak with the Headmistress because my little brother had just been sent there. I was said to arrive soon but lost my way and had to settle down here to take a nap, and it looks like I had overslept." Lie. I was meeting someone, but not my little brother. Who knows if I even had one!

"Oh dear, well, there's a public carriage going there soon. I'm sure you can take that," she said. I thanked her and walked away. 

I waited at the stop, people crowding around me. Mostly everyone looked friendly, except for a gang of teens. They kept shooting all the little kids' dirty looks and pushing everyone to get to the front. Eventually, a kid who was trying to be brave stood in their way. The one with close-cropped hair and dark brown eyes- who I'm guessing is the leader- pushed the kid out of their way, eventually making the kid fall and scratch his knee. A smaller girl ran up to him and start crying, pounding at the bully's feet. 

"Oh please." he kicked the girl off his foot, throwing her back. He looked back at his friends and they started laughing. I clenched my fist so hard that my fingernails dug through my skin. 

Bullying isn't nice. So if you want to go and bully someone, pick on someone your own size. 

The voice echoed through my head. It was definitely mines... was it from my past? So why not listen to my own advice?

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?" I  asked the teen. He turned his back to face me, a small smirk on his face, but once he saw how I towered over him, the smirk wiped right off. 

"O-Oh, I-I'm sorry sir, a-are these your k-kids?" he stuttered. 

"No. But do you think it's right to be bullying some random kids who are smaller than you? Why don't you pick on someone your own size? Got it?" I asked bittersweetly, giving him a cold stare. 

"You should leave while you still can," I whispered under my breath so that only he could hear. 

He took the opportunity and ran away with his gang, the fearful look still on his face. I turned the kids and gave them a warm smile. 

"Do you know where you're parents are?" I asked them. Their heads lowered. 

"We don't have parents. They abandoned us when we were kids. We're homeless." the boy explained, hesitating a little.  My smile grew sad. 

"Well then, what are you doing out here?" I asked. 

"Well, we were trying to see if we could get out of this town and go somewhere else. We have to go before the orphanage headmistress finds out about us. We stole clothes and food from there just to survive." The little girl explained. My face faltered. These children did nothing to get this. 

"Well, why don't you come with me? I'm sure I can help you find someone. In fact, I'm going to FTRS right now." The children huddled closer at the mention of FTRS. 

"B-But, we're not bad kids." the little boy said. 

"FTRS is a safe place for everyone, bad kid or not. And it's free! They'll teach you everything, and help you. So, are you in?" I didn't know where I had got all of that information from. It was like I was used to saying it a lot. But the 'So, are you in?' part didn't feel like it was my part to say.. more like someone else's. 

They both nodded. 


After waiting for a few minutes, the carriage arrived and took us on an hour-long drive to the main Enchantasia town. I saw a lot more of my missing posters here. We waited at the bus stop again, as the locals eyed me strangely, and took another carriage that leads right to FTRS. I dropped them off at the gates with a note saying to help them, and watched them from a bush, as a man with a dark brown beard with a few white streaks, kindly greet them and usher them in. His name was at the tip of my tongue. Xavier Wolfington. But I wonder why? 

But never mind that. 

I sneaked over to the woods and spied the first hollow tree. I peered through and saw nothing. Hmmm, wait. I looked in the distance and saw that there were several hollow trees. 

I peered through a few, and finally, at the fifth one, found it. It was decorated like the inside of a dollhouse, tiny chair, tiny tables, tiny, well, everything!

"Uh, W? It's Jax, I'm uh, here for the uh." 

"Oh yes, I know." a voice spoke. I looked around and saw no one. 

"Uh, where-"

"Look down, nope, little to the right. Nope, the left. Ah, there you go." And I rested my eyes on... 


OOOOH! Who do you think is the 'thing' Jax's future is depending on? I think it's pretty obvious by now. But remember, this could be an OC or an Original. Who do you think it is thought??? *wiggles eyebrows*

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