We Stumble Upon A Blue Octopus

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By nightfall, Wilson and I had explained the entire situation to Jack and Haley. They were surprisingly quite understanding as if crazy quests and evil witches were something they were kind of used to. 

We sat at the table, huddled close in a dark room lit by only two small lanterns. Jack made dramatic motions every once in a while to capture our attention when we got bored at just the right times. Hayley even jumped a few times and Wilson squeaked at the terrifying parts. 

Jack was naturally a good storyteller, probably because he was a sailor and most sailors were pretty good storytellers. He narrated through tales about when we were younger, which were actually quite fascinating. If I had my memory, I would be sleeping at this point, like Wilson. I couldn't blame the little guy, it had been a long day. With me, and my lost memory, and my terrible idiotic brain that wasn't functioning properly. 

A lot to do with me basically. 

By almost 11 at night, Haley had gone to bed and Wilson was snoring off in my jacket- which was in my room- leaving me and Jack on the deck. I was slowly realizing some of the reasons my previous version didn't like Jack, but the fact that he had helped me get all the way here was blocking the rest of the reasons from becoming an opinion. Particularly a bad one. 

Jack brought in a bottle of wine. It was a little dirty, with specks of dirt in some places, but besides that, it was quite clean, "You want some?" 

An image of the same brunette from earlier taking a bottle away from me flashed before my eyes, "Nah. Do you have beer though?" Jack smiled and went back. When he came back, he had two glass cups and a bottle of beer. 

He set them down on the table, poured the beer into both cups, dropped ice cubes in both, and handed one to me while keeping the other to himself. 

"To finding your memory again," he proclaimed with a smile, and we clinked glasses before downing it all in one go. 

We stared at the night sky. A light pink star shone brightly a little further from the half-moon. They were the only light that we had on board except for one other lonely lantern. I sighed. 

"You think there's a deadline for this stuff?"

Jack licked his lips before answering, "Deadline? Well, isn't there almost always?" he chuckled. I gave him a confused look and he put on a face of recognition.

"I mean, I bet on my cow that there is. Maybe Wilson knows?" I nodded. Jack poured another cup and nudged it towards me, "It's not like Gilly's here to stop you. Take it." I hesitated before downing it again. 

With every cup, I drank, a little dizzier I got. 

By the end of my 6th shot, I could barely stand, and I vomited into the ocean, while Jack patted my back, "Not a high tolerance I see."

"You were testing me?!" I exclaimed and then barfed again. 

"Well, it's not like we've had a drinking party last week or something. Last time was around a couple of years ago, and that was Gilly's birthday party," he said. 

Once I was done, we sat back down again, and after a moment of silence I spoke up, "What's she like?"



"Oh." he cleared his throat, "Well, um, she's pretty, and, uh, talented, and pretty fierce."

"A daredevil, sarcastic, person for sure. You two were best friends since you met." he traced his finger around his glass and sighed. 

"I was your wedding celebrant." I raised an eyebrow at that, "Yup. Me and Wilson. And that was before he could talk. You could see how that went."

Oh. Yeah.

"But you two were the perfect match. You were the only one who could break down all her walls. I guess, besides her family." 

"It was just...perfect." 

"What was I like?" I asked. 

He made a face, "I wouldn't even call myself the best person to ask that question." he said. 

We sat there in silence, staring at the horizon before something thumped against the ship. Jack perked up immediately. It happened again and he shot up from his chair, quickly but quietly. He carefully stepped over to the side of the ship and looked down. 

A blue octopus immediately burst from the ocean, and it was huge. Blue tentacles grabbed the ship, and big eyes stared back at us. Water sloshed onto the deck, flooding the space till it reached the tip of my toes. Jack and I stood there completely frozen. 

"Get. Hayley." He said through gritted teeth, without moving, "And do not make any sudden movements. Don't turn your back, and walk sideways, slowly." he instructed. I did just as he said, taking cautious steps backward, but the octopus didn't even notice but kept its eyes fixed on Jack. 

I burst into Hayley's bedroom, where she and Wilson were already awake, "What's going on?" she asked. 

"Blue octopus on deck," I said quickly. Wilson cocked his head.

Her eyes widened, "But it can't be..." She handed Wilson to me and he grumbled something under his breathe with 'human' and 'wouldn't have to be carried around'. 

Hayley stepped out on the deck and gasped at the blue octopus before her, "Filbert?!" 

Sorry to keep you all waiting but here is the next chapter!

Are you guys ready to meet Filbert? (I randomly came up with the name-)

Well, stay tuned for the next chapter!

Au revoir!

Bɾυιʂҽԃ, Bαƚƚҽɾҽԃ, αɳԃ HҽαɾƚႦɾσƙҽɳ | 𝐅𝐓𝐑𝐒Where stories live. Discover now