Wait, so, you're my enemy..?

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Jack started a coughing fit immediately.

Hayley sighed and rolled her eyes. 

Jack, Jack, the name seems so familiar. Why though?

"Oh. So now snarky comments?" Jack sneered. 


"Jack, the situation is dire and we need a ship. Now." Wilson commanded. 

Jack grunted and walked towards a rowboat. 

"Jack," Wilson said in a warning tone. 

Jack groaned and walked towards a much bigger ship. 

It had a wide-open mast and polished floors. 

"Our newest ship, the Ephidian. Name after Ephidia of course," he announced. 

"What's Ephidia?" I asked. 

Jack and Hayley stared at me for a solid two seconds. 

"You don't-?"



"Oh geez, run!" Jack ran onto the deck and I pocketed Wilson and ran after him.

A man, with a scraggly beard and pegged leg, grabbed my leg just as I was about to get on the ship. 

Jack cursed under his breath and started pulling me back up, grabbing me the arm. 

And it hurts. 

A lot. 

Jack finally pulled me hard enough to get me on the ship and the two men cursed aloud and started jumping on the boards. 

Lots of cursing if I do say so myself. 

They curse like sailors...


Are they really sailors..?

"TAKE OFF THE SHIP! GO! GO! GO!" Jack yelled. 

Haley quickly climbed up the stairs to the top deck and pulled up the anchor and started turning the wheel, making the ship roughly turn to the side. Water splashed but the men were left on the dock, yelling at each other for not catching the ship on time.  

Hayley came down the stairs and looked at the people on the deck with disgust, "I can't believe them.." she muttered. Then she looked back at Wilson and me, "So what's wrong with Jax?" she asked Wilson. 

"Well you see, remember when Jocelyn and Harlow came to Shipwreck Cove? In August, Jax was hit with a forgetting potion, so he doesn't remember anything." Wilson explained. 

"Wait. Even Gilly?" Jack asked. 

There it was again. 




"JACK!" Hayley shrieked. 

"Sorry, sorry," he mumbled. 

"So um," I cleared my throat, "Who's Gilly?"

Jack then almost fell over. 

"So...He doesn't know who Gilly is?" Hayley asked as she cleared her throat. 

"Well, I remember the name, but I don't know exactly.." I answered. 

"So um, I have a question... What about Gilly? Does she know? Why don't you just go back?" Jack asked. 

"That was 3 questions. And well, I don't know about Gilly, but she doesn't know, and he can't go back or else evil will rise again. Jax is the only one who can fix this, and he can't have the help of an entire army. He must do it himself." Wilson replied. 

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