Well, There Goes the Ship

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Hold up, was my first thought. 

Who names a humongous blue octopus Filbert?

That was until I realized the resemblance. Filbert, presumably, was some sort of relative of the original Kraken. By that, I mean the one who guards Shipwreck Cove. 

Wait how did I know that-

My thoughts were cut off when the giant octopus made a weird warbled sound and started coming towards Hayley. The entire ship rocked forward and everyone slid back. 

"Hey! Hey! Do you mind?!" Jack yelled at the creature. It made a warbled 'Oh' sound and back away. 

Hayley glared at Jack and came forward instead, "Filbert! What are you doing in these waters? Aren't you supposed to be back home?" she asked. 

Filbert made several gurgling sounds and Hayley paled. 

"What? What did he say?" asked Jack, clearly annoyed of the excessive amount of seawater washing up on the deck. 

"He said someone pushed him out. Using dark magic." Filbert raised one of his tentacles. Unlike the rest of the blue octopus, this part was a deep red, like it had been burned. 

Hayley gasped at the sight and Jack winced. 

Wilson climbed out of my pocket and scurried over to Filbert's wounds, carefully standing at only the edges of it. 

"Hmm, yes. It seems that indeed the wound was created by dark magic. Powerful dark magic." 

Jack's jaw dropped, "Jax is going to have to go up against that?!" Jack exclaimed. 

Wilson squeaked. 

Jack raised his eyebrows. 

Wilson's squeaking slowly melted into English again, "...-nd most likely yes." Wilson gasped and covered his mouth with his tiny hands, "My voice." he said, at the same time I said, "Your voice."

"How could that happen?" Hayley asked. 

Sensing something was wrong, Filbert looked to the right. He warbled in a high pitch.

"A what?!" Hayley asked. 

Everyone looked in the direction that FIlbert was signaling to. 



Water slammed on deck. The ship started sliding to the side. 

Hayley quickly jumped into the water. 

Jack started running in the other direction. 

I scooped up Wilson, who was squirming in the foot of water on deck and put him in my pocket, before following after Jack. 

But it was too late. 

The floor gave way and the ship was now entirely sideways. It would only be seconds before it was flipped upside down entirely. 

A firm hand grasped mine, and he looked up to see Jack. Veins bulged on his neck and his face was red from holding on to the side of the ship and Jax. 

"WE'RE GOING TO HIT THE WATER! HOLD YOU BREATHE!" He yelled, just before Jack, Wilson, and I started falling and hit the water. 


A giggle. 

A flash of brown hair.

The sweet taste of apple cinammon on lips. 

"Hey Jax-"

I woke up, gasping and panting. I was dry, sitting on hot sand on a beach, what seemed like paradise. 

Was is all a dream?


A shipwreck floated in the ocean. 

I looked around, trying to find Jack, Wilson, and Hayley, but there was no sign of them. 

My head throbbed. 

Images flashed in again. 

Bright brown eyes. 

A shiny ring. 

Another kiss. 

"What the heck..." 

Blood trickled from the side of my head. I touched it, and the sticky stuff was now on my hands. Bright red liquid. 

A scream. 


A dark crystal hurdling towards him. 

"Gilly...?" I looked around. No one. 

Then I realized what these images were. Memories. Memories of my past, what I had forgotten. 

Was I remembering?

I tried standing up, and more images flooded into my brain.

The bright chandelier lights. 

"You gotta, gotta, gotta, got to love me harder..."

A sunny beach.

Staggering and catching my breath, I saw someone emerging from the ocean, stalking closer and closer. 

"JAX!" It yelled. It was Jack. The sand from the beach was all over his clothes and face. His hair covered the majority of his face from being wet. 

"Have you seen Hayley or Wilson?" 

"Hayley's probably underwater, but I haven't seen Wilson..."

Jack and I looked at each other. 

We were all alone. 


This was a short chappie, but I'm having a sort of writer's block and *school* so


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