𝐝𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐚𝐧

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      There was no doubt that the crew was going crazy as they felt the pressure of the upcoming storm. Everyone was gathering under the deck, in the royal cabins to stay as far away as possible from the terror that was outside, yet there was still one stubborn girl who couldn't help but wonder from a side to another of the ship, reaching to the sky and giggling at each harsh movement the waves forced the ship to make.

"Your highness, we must return to the cabins.A storm is coming, please" her servant said begging the young girl to follow her to a safe place

"One more minute Elizabeth. Go bring the others, I will be just fine. It's only a minute" the princess pleaded

"Very well. Please be careful, I shall return" she said as she made her way to the others

The princess was a curious person. For the 18 years of her life she was kept inside the castle woth very little real knowledge of the real outside world. For the first time she was able to spread "wings" and allowed to visit another country far, far away. The iceland as they called it of young king Todoroki, an old friend of her family. One of the youngest rulers out there. As his father was facing a cruel and harsh illness, he was forced to take over the throne and rule over the kingdom.
She was more than happy that she was finally able to go see him again and also that she was able to travel and on such an intresting thing as a ship. She has read many things about it in books, in fact she read everything she was provided inside the castle, she was very intrested in achiving knowledge, something that the queen was very proud of.

"You majesty, it's time to go to the cabins now" silence, there was no response "Your majesty?"no response again and no sight whatsoever of the princess

The servant noticed her jewled crown sitting on the wet deck near the edge and in that moment she almost fainted as she realized what went on.
The whole crew was looking for the princess on the ship and near it, but they soon had to stop as the ravishing storm got them, making it way too difficult even for them to sail along.

"Everyone get back inside the cabins! We will look for the princess once the storm ends" the captain shouted at the crew and guests

"Yes Captain!" the screamed back

     That evening the royal ship sufferd a great loss. The princess was nowhere to be found and the ship had to move along to their destination to the iceland. Altough no one has the heart to send the Queen a message and notify her about her daughters dissaperance.

     The naked man groweld under the rough movement of the brunette as she tried so hard to escape his arms. She finnaly stood up and collected her clothes from the floor and hurrying up on the deck.

"Looks like someone got their special treatmeant witch" the red haired man laughed as he moped the floor

"Shut your damn mouth slug and went on with the moping" she scoffed as she pressed her heeld boots on the creaking floor

As she swinger around she notice a certain blonde that looked quiet uneasy as his mouth went on and on about God knows what.

"Denki! Anything new to worth telling the Captain?" she asked with a grin

"Indeed! There's something we catched early this morning-"

He was cut off by a green haired male, who's left eye was coverd with a black patch. He shoved the girl apart almost making her fall.

"If you sleep with the Captain it doesn't give you the right to boss everyone around. Know your place Uraraka! You're nothing more than a tarot reader if I remember well" he grinned as he approached her

"And you're on this boat only because you're his friend. Doesn't make you any more important" she groweld back

In that moment his rough palm made contact with her right cheek leaving a faint red mark. Before he could yell some more profanities at her, a black haired female cut the short, shoving an unconcious girl on the deck.

"Quit acting like children and look at this. I bet the Captain would be thrilled" she said with a grin

"What's this? She's so pretty, but doesn't he have whores already?" the blonde asked confused

"You're dumber than ever Denki" a girl with short purple hair sighed "She's a mermaid clearly. Look at her expensive looking dress and at her glowing skin. And the jewls!" she said with sparkling eyes

"Bakugou would sure love this special gift" the green haired male grinned as he got her chin in between his thumb and index finger

"Bakugou would sure love this special gift" the green haired male grinned as he got her chin in between his thumb and index finger

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new story!
i hope you will like this bakugou one since i had this idea for awhile now and i couldn't wait to write it

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