Chapter : 4 Father?

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I opened the door in a rush, entering, I looked at him with my infamous puppy dog eyes.

"What took you so long?" He asked exaggerating, checking the time in his expensive watch while trying to look angry but I know him better, he's just acting, so I played along.

"I don't know maybe it was your mom and my mom gushing over me while I tried to slip away" I said rolling me eyes while my lips twitched upwards into a broad smile.

He just nodded his head, smirking.

"Let's go, then?"

"Hell yeah!"

.five minutes later.


"Pretty please with a cherry on top?" I asked frowning while my puppy dog eyes did their magic.

"Ok, fine!!" He exclaimed when I asked it for the tenth time.

"Yes!" I cheered, happily waiting for him to buy my ice cream.

He just shook his head laughing at my antics.


I broke out of my flashback suddenly, when first a shiny sleek black car followed by a black SUV came, and the thing is everything about them simply screamed wealth.

I wonder who they are here for,

The car came to a halt, and 2 muscular big guys came out of the black SUV wearing all black,


And from the other black car a guy around 40s came out.

They started walking towards me and my heartbeat quickened with an upcoming panic attack.


I turned around before taking the inhaler I kept for emergencies from the bag and took an inhale.


I kept it back before turning around and saw them a few feet away from me.

Who are they?

Why are they coming towards me?!

Are they his people?

I thought panicking, but thankfully I managed to control it before a full blown panic attack came.


I looked around confused, before pointing a finger at me silently asking if he was talking to me.

He chuckled and nodded his head.


"Hello to you too, to what do I owe you this pleasure." I asked beaming.

Even though I was shaking with fear and panic mentally, but just like always I pulled it off.

"You look just like them" He said with a fond smile.

"Like who?" I asked baffled, did he mistake me for someone else??

"Oh my god, you even sound like her."

"Like who?" I asked intrigued, with a smile.

"Like someone I know"

"O-oh?" It came out more like a question than an answer.

"So..what are you waiting for?-
-Let's go!" He exclaimed excited.

-excuse me!" I asked dumbfounded.

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