Chapter : 12 Abella

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"Sometimes, i cry, i laugh, but everyone notices me when i make a mistake."

I was peacefully sitting and staring at this really peaceful painting in the living room when two aliens decided to abduct me!

Oh the horror.


It was not two aliens but my two lovely brothers.

"Ok, sooo Miss Arabella Accárdi we hereby decide to announce the name we both intelligent people have decided on by spending our precious time and effort." Leo started dragging all my brothers undivided attention towards us.

"Gather around peasants, for the kings have decided to grace your none fabulous ears with the mighty name." Noah said motioning for all my brothers except Calvin who wasn't here to take a seat around us.

Lorenzo rolled his eyes going to sit across us.

"If it is something stupid then I swear to God-" Marcus muttered in warning.

"Now, now, have some confidence in us, dear brother." Noah said laughing nervously.

"Just get it over with already." Lorenzo grumbled moodily.

"Aw, is it lil enzo jealous?" Noah said smirking at him.

"Jealous?" He looked at Noah like he was crazy.

"Alright just tell the name." Liam said looking at the pair of them amused.

"What is it?" I asked intrigued.

"Okay, 1-2-3-"

"Bella!" They both exclaimed smugly.

Silence, dead silence.

They both looked at all of us wondering what they did wrong.

"Bella..?" I asked slowly making sure I heard it right.

"Yes! awesome right? I know you all most be too shocked to react to this wonderful name."

"What did you guys expect, this was bound to happen when dumb and the dumber decided to plan something together." Lorenzo snorted at their stupidity.

"-No offence." He added nonchalantly.

"Who am I kidding take full offence, I don't give a damn." He said before they could respond.

"Shut up your just jealous, what's your opinion bella?" Leo said turning to me.

I looked like a dear caught in headlights, "I mean I thought you guys wanted a unique name? Everyone calls me bella." I said looking at them.

Now it was their turn to look like dears caught in headlights.

"I, uh, well we tried to look up nice names in google but nothing seemed nice enough so we choose this." Leo disclosed smiling guilty.

"But still you got to admit it, it's a nice name right?" Noah asked smugly.

Marcus looked at them flatly rubbing his eyes painfully.

"I sometimes wonder what went wrong with these two." Lorenzo muttered in mock sadness.

"I wonder how I'm related to these idiots all the time." Marcus added pinching the bridge of his nose like he was trying hard to find the answer.

I giggled lowly at their bickering.

Noah glared at me playfully when he noticed me giggling, making me laugh loudly.

"I will settle this matter with a name I personally came up with." Liam announced starting at Noah and Leo when he said personally.

"Let's hear it." I said excited.

What did he come up with?

"The name is..." He paused for dramatic effect.



Everything stopped.

Memories I painfully blocked started seeping through my mind like poison.

Abella Abella Abella

One word, kept echoing in my mind breaking my heart to an extent where it can't be repaired.

"Isn't the name abella so beautifull?" He whispered softly staring into my eyes with an intense look.

"You're realizing it after months of calling?" I asked laughing.

"No, it just came to me, how lucky i am to be with such a beautiful soul."

"Whatever you say, grey eyes." I said with a silly smile on my face.

"Why are you glowing today?" He said cheesily which was very unlike him.

"Aren't you very cheesy today? What's wrong?" I asked teasing him.

I broke out of it when I heard my name being called.

"Huh? What?"

"Look she is so shocked that she forgot what is happening!" Leo said humorously.

"T-that name is uh, doesn't like suite me, I think we'll settle with bella." I said clearing my throat looking anywhere but at them, but I didn't miss the look Lorenzo was giving me, like he didn't believe me.

"What she said." Liam said agreeing.

"Well, I got work to do I'll see you all later." He said smiling at us and walked to the door.

"We don't want to see you." Noah yelled after him, making him chuckle.

"Now that he left I think we should -"

"Yeah no, I'm leaving, I don't want to take part in your childish acts." Marcus said getting up to leave.

Leo like the mature adult he is, he snuck out his tongue at him, making Marcus roll his eyes.

After he too left both of them looked at Lorenzo evilly.

"Fuck no, I should have left too." He grumbled, sighing wearily.

"What are we gonna do?" I asked looking at them.

"Well, good thing you asked, you see, dear sorella, we are going to...."

I gulped.

"You do know that Marcus will kill us right?" I mused.

"And that brings the whole thrill to this, plus serves him right for leaving us." Noah grinned evilly.

Making me and Lorenzo look at him like he was crazy.

"Whatever." Lorenzo sighed going ahead with the plan.


I, uh, eh,

I died.


And resurrected recently, so don't kill me, I just came back. *nervous laughter*

P S- A rushed chp, if there's any mistakes pm me or comment.
My exams got over yesterday soo here's a chap💞😘.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2021 ⏰

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