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𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘩𝘢 𝘮𝘺 𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘳


"marty, are you coming to this party?" dorcas leaned against the fireplace looking towards martha. the girl in question looked up to dorcas who nodded her head.

"uh what party?" her response was short, focusing intently on the small flowers she was painting on the back of her guitar.

the yellow common room only had four people, dorcas, martha, tilly and some seventh year girl she was flirting with. "the party. the one in that odd room on the seventh floor."

"oh the sweet room?!" martha smiled brightly, leaking innocence from her lips. "the sweet room? what's that?" dorcas pushed.

popping her guitar gently next to her and the paints on the coffee table; she rubbed her hands together. "well." martha paused. "everytime i go in there, it's always full of sweets. it's gear."

dorcas valued martha's innocence over everything, that girl needed protecting from everything. she even saw the good in slytherins, eventually after talking about the sweet confectioneries, martha had agreed to coming to the notorious 'end of september' party.

the girls' dorm was a tip. clothes were thrown over beds, chairs and littered all over the floor. dorcas stood by the bathroom door in a matching bright coloured two piece, high waisted, skin tight shorts and a matching long sleeved top, smothered in orange psychedelic patterns. tilly, in all her ethereal beauty stood proudly on her bed, singing obnoxiously into her hair brush, a wrapped top with flared sleeves adorned her top half, matching aesthetically into her deep navy bell bottom jeans.

martha, stood in a deep red jumpsuit, platformed boots with a patterned scarf wrapped around her neck; lifting the needle from 'don't go breaking my heart' by her favourite artist she swiftly put the record away.

" 'ight my lovelies, it's 'bout time to get fucking pissed." she cheered happily, although each of the girls was at least half way to getting 'pissed' already - you can thank richard starkey for that. he had a inkling for sneaking martha mass amounts of alcohol into her school trunk in third year and she had kept it ever since.

the three linked their arms and snuck into the secret passageways heading straight for the seventh floor.

sweaty bodied clumped together. hands on hips, waists, shoulders and necks. bottles placed smugly in hands, music blaring through the room. the rowdy group of gryffindors and the three hufflepuffs sat around a makeshift table, the group consisted of; alice fortescue, frank longbottom, mary mcdonald, marlene mckinnon, dorcas meadowes, lilly evens, martha lennon, remus lupin, peter pettigrew, matilda marie, james potter and sirius black. and there was only nine chairs.

"oi oi oi." james and sirius both chanted together to grab the groups attention. all eyes turned to the two bumbling idiots as they stood on their chairs.

"out of all of the greatest rock bands in the world who are we—" he gestured to himself and sirius. "more like. go." he pointed at the closet person to them, tilly.

"uhh, james, i'd say roger taylor. sirius, umm, brian may?" she squeaked. sirius pouted at not being appointed freddie but he let it slide.

next the pointed to remus- who was already smirking at martha from the corner of his eye. "well, easily sirius is freddie, james; i would have to say george harrison."

"oh fuck you lupin." martha gawked from next to him.

the two boys seemed okay with that. they next pointed to martha.

"bloody 'ell—" before she could finish her sentence a drunken frank longbottom interrupted her.

"martha, have you ever thought about how you and john share a last name."

"and you're from liverpool."

"no, winnie and i aren't related in any way." she deadpanned. then her mouth dropped open, eyes wide. "john, john and i aren't related." she attempted to correct herself.

"winnie, ay?" remus once again laughed. "who's winnie?"

"john winston lennon, you prat." martha mumbled under her breath to him.

while the night went on a drunken games were being played to the max, martha kept her eye on a blond across the table. marlene was sipping away at her firewhiskey eyes burning into the brunette away from her. nodding her head for martha to come over, she agreed.

lennon nervously stood from her spot on the floor and made her way to marlene. "hi." she whispered innocently. "hey." marlene responded smoothly as she grabbed martha's wrist and pulled her down to her lap.

"you looked a little uncomfortable on the floor."

giggling well on her way to being intoxicated, she responded quite slurred. "i'm a lot more comfortable now though." she smirked into her ear. marlenes grip tightened on martha.

both of the girls were too drunk to understand what was happening, too drunk to see the smirks and stares of their peers, too drunk to notice the slight glare james was giving them.

the night progressed smoothly, baited games of truth or dare, never have i ever, and rounds upon rounds of beer pong.

it was getting later when james and martha both gave in to the gravitational pull and both ended up in front of each other breathless.

"you look hot." he blurted, his eyes widened before he slapped his hand over his mouth and started giggling like a child.

martha just as giddy, placed her hand on his chest and responded. "you also look hot."

"dance with me."



the two students started to laugh at their blissful ignorance and moved quickly into the heart of the students. swaying against each other- hips moving smoothly. bodies pressed closely.

lips, on neck, on shoulder. lips, now on other lips.

hi loves
this is the last prewritten chapter
i have so the others might
take a while
i'm sorry
i'm kind of running out of
motivation for this book
seeing i left the hp fandom
i love the marauders with all
of my heart
but i've always been a remus girl
so, writing about james is a bit of a

until next time babies <3

martha my dear * POTTERWhere stories live. Discover now