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"love you martha. have a good fucking year martha. i'll miss you martha" the lennon girl mumbled bitterly to her self while wondering along the platform; a vibrant converstion with mimi that was so full of life she was practically beaming.

brushing her trunk along her red wide legged trousers, hanging her free hand in the same old worn jacket of johns, she fiddled with the small pick that she kept firmly in her pocket. continuously breathing coherent formalities to herself until she reached the least cramped entrance to the royally red train. "what would i do with out you, martha." scoffing once more she waited a few seconds to see if she could spot tilly.

"i think lennon has lost the plot." remus laughed slightly while leaning smoothly against the rough platform wall, james stood directly in front of him, sirius to his side; all waiting on peters arrival. lifting his left foot, he slightly kicked james' shin, nodding his head in martha's direction.


"oi lennon!"

"yes, you!"

the brunette turned around to face the three smirking boys, her pin curled hair whipped her face dramatically. chewing on her cheek and gripping the pick extra hard it most certainly would have left some form of indentation on her palm, her eyes roamed to meet the face of james. "potter, it's a pleasure as always." she smiled sickly at him.

"you look dashing today." potter responded bluntly, ignoring her sarcastic response. martha widened her eyes at the boy, a faint unnoticeable pink flushed her nose and cheeks. raising her eyebrow at him she watched sirius look at him confused and remus jab his elbow into his ribs at his bold statement.

"you do make me blush potter."

"i hardly try." he pointed then proceeded to wink at the girl. shaking her head with a small smile on her face, "give it a rest james, oh! congrats remus, you'll be a great prefect! uh also potter before i forget, i wish ya the best for this season, i'm sure you'll do brill and potentially even win the cup." martha spoke sincerely with a true sugary smile graced upon her face. again once responding she turned to leave, successfully pivoting on the spot she hopped towards the train in order to find her friend.

looking positively baffled at her pleasant remark james turned to look at sirius. "did she just- she did- was she serious?" his mouth agape while he stared intently at his best friend. "she, martha fucking lennon, was nice to me."

smiling softly to himself he moved his gaze to the retreating girl, and watched as her figure trotted elegantly towards the train. "she is bloody brilliant." sirius muttered under his breath.

hearing a quiet "bloody brilliant" in the distance behind her, martha smirked with pride, stepping onto the train and off to find a suitable compartment.

sticking her head through the empty door, she smiled sweetly at tilly and dorcas. a volleyball of soft conversation passed between the two like sweet symphonies, once again the girls were reunited

fiddling with the lighter and cigarettes in her pocket she fumbled around to pull a stick out, sticking it between her lips; running it around her mouth to dampen the end. holding her hand in front of the cigarette, she looked through her eyelashes towards tilly. "ciggy?" she questioned, although it was almost misunderstood due to her lips being preoccupied, tilly nodded in response and grabbed a free one from her packet.

while remus and peter were a few paces ahead of the others, chatting mindlessly about anything that came to mind, sirius and james were talking tactics, their yearly prank schedule was nearly completed, a timetable of sorts.

by the time the train had been on course for a hour or so, the prefects were called to the main cartridge for a meeting, reluctantly martha left tilly and dorcas and ventured her way down the corridor, stopping outside of a booming cabin. a small knock on the cabin door then the sound of it sliding open. "'ello, it pains me to bother ya, but, i need't steal remus from youse." she smiled boldly at the boys. all of their heads shot to the accent. martha was stood with her head poking through the gap between the door and the wall, tilted far to the left and a lopsided grin etched on her face. 

"aren't you supposed to be in uniform?" peter sheepishly pointed out, looking from her boot clad feet, up her blood red trousers, to the black fitted turtleneck and the far too oversized leather jacket placed upon her shoulders. shrugging at peter martha grinned. "who gives a fuck."

remus slapped his thighs twice, disrupting their conversation. "right." he stood up. "while I'm gone, try to stay calm, and dear god keep it down." he pointed to the boys individually and smiled sarcastically, before leaving the small alcove.

"yes ma'am."

"of course madame."

"thank you." he mumbled to the tall girl in front of him. becoming amused with his expression martha bowed slightly, "no problem my dearest." she faked a royal voice and tapped his cheek twice. as she went to turn around, her boot got caught on the lifted carpet of the corridor, throwing her off course and into a jam packed, pure blooded, slytherin compartment.

"fuck off, mudblood."

"ever so kind slytherin, keep up the good work."

martha stepped out of the compartment, cheeks red, palms sweaty. baffled, remus opened his mouth about to comfort the girl, who in response shook her head before laughing loudly, remus followed the cheerful girl.


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