Chapter 10: From Opposite Ends of the Universe

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Mina throws the useless blades into the darkness, even as the Minotaur circles her with great echoing clops of its feet.  It towers over her, at least twice her height.  The rusted red of a ring through its nose gives her pause.  What creature would want that through it? It looks like it has been recently used, and painfully so, given the blood that drips from one nostril.

Kakos words, "Mina and Monsters." Rings true again, as Mina finds herself sympathizing with it.  Did it want to be here?  From where did the Gods take this beast?

But her gaze comes to the too-thin form of Josh and reluctantly she takes up the fight again.  She focuses on her scabbards, "Give me something to best this creature."

Weight arrives and she reaches back, but doesn't find a sword.  She pulls out a rope.  Am I supposed to tie it up?

But as she unravels more from the scabbards her heart skips. "What?" She chokes, pulling it forward across her fingers, the ribs of its softness all too familiar, because it isn't just any rope, it is the rope...

She looks up at the creature, it has extended a large hand towards her, the nails silver-sharp and edged with rust-brown blood.  It stands still, arm extended towards the rope in her hands.  Silver's voice here, and this rope. The creature is huge, bloody, dangerous. But Mina can't refuse it.

Its hand shakes as it lands over her own, lifting the rope from her and weaving it over its other hand.  It blinks its massive ruminant eyes, then sinks to its knees before her.

Mina goes still as the pointed tips of its horns are brought only a head above herself.  But she still can't move away.  There is a secret here that must be unravelled, and she is scared to think too far into the impossible.

The Minotaur lifts the rope and slides it gently, slowly around her waist, sliding it up, until rests just there. It slips a knot under her scabbards, leaning close enough Mina gets a mist of its breath down her chest, and is brought inches from its torso.   It trails the ends of the rope away from her, before releasing the dangling ends to land just against her thighs.

"Silver?" Mina croaks.  Her face is wet, flushed, she can't feel her body.  She reaches for the horns above its head, travelling down them to the thick base of hair, down under the eyes and jaw muscles unfamiliar.  The Minotaur sits quiet, releasing a huge sigh, but Mina hears the translation even on its breath. "Yes."


A javelin pierces through its chest, nearly impaling Mina.  Mina catches its shoulders as Silver-the Minotaur struggles to stand.  Mina looks around wildly, "Stop!  Wait!"

Dee emerges her mouth open, a storming wail pulling power down at the Minotaur.

"Dee No!" Mina cries.

The javelin buried in Silver's torso changes, freezes, and spreads ice.  He falls backwards from Mina's grip, eyes closing.  Hitting with the thump of broken flesh.  He lies still.

"No." Mina moves to his side, catching his shoulder, splaying a hand across the now frozen chest, still of breath.

"Ashen sons Mina are you upset over that monster?  It was trying to kill us! Cursed gods, I don't think I've ever seen you cry over anything, and now this creature—

"An unfortunate series of events." Kakos adds, his voice grating to life along with the light of flame.

"Fuck no." It is Josh, he is looking at Kakos.

Mina wipes her face coming to her feet. "It's okay.  He's okay."

"He's okay?!!!" Dee screeches.  "He locked us up in a cell, and bled you and—" She looks ready to blow ice at Kakos, she huffs in a breath.

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