8. All Types of Wings

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Mina looks to the distant white coil of the dead serpent below. She stands on the shoulder of the volcano, able to see both planes; those of Erebus to her right, and the distant blue-shield of Phebetor to her left.

Nathaniel is behind her, not even panting from their exertions.  The man is a machine.

He also hadn't spoken another word since she'd so eloquently told them to shut-up.

Kakos on the other hand, "Well, the joys of walking.  My father often encouraged it as a meditative exercise.  Never really worked for me." He reflects absently.

Kakos is the last to the top.  Mina is disturbed to see his hands covered in the blue-black of serpent's blood. 

He puts one bloody hand over the ledge and pulls himself up.  His fire burns under his skin, bathing him in an eerie orange glow.  He steps close to Mina, closer than she is comfortable.  She narrows her eyes, "Back off Kakos, you have enough blood on your hands, don't you think?"

Kakos laughs taking a sliver of a step backwards while casting a sideways glance at Nathaniel.  "Oh Mina," He says, looking at her, and drawing something from a pocket of his robed pants.  Two scrolls sit in his palm, a little blood clinging to the edges of the paper. "Don't you remember what Atlas said?"

Mina swallows, hating that Kakos has somehow landed power in his palm again.  She resists the urge to grab the scrolls from him by crossing her arms. "Where did you get those?"

Kakos smiles, "Well, turns out the cash in Erebus was inside the mouth of that white snake.  Good thing one of us likes looking at dead things."

Mina grimaces.

Nathaniel blows a breath out his nostrils, "I don't suppose you'd share?"

Kakos laughs again, enjoying the moment a little too much. "I don't share well, but I do trade in favours."

When he looks pointedly at Mina, she hunches her shoulders, "I'm not interested."

Kakos closes his fist around the paper, slipping it away.  He shrugs, "You're not interested yet. Don't worry, I can be patient." He looks over to Nathaniel, "Don't know about him though."

Nathaniel doesn't bite.  His steady gaze stays on Mina, "Which way?"

Mina looks to the distant blue glow of Phebetor, then to the left, tracing the familiar volcanic range with her gaze.  The rocks break way to sand. It is behind the rise there where the settlement of abandoned bunkers sit.  "That way" she gestures.  But I somehow doubt Josh and Dee are there.

Next to them Kakos sighs, "You know I lied, I'm not patient at all.  And I'm not as interested in traipsing about the backsands of Typhon looking for little lost dolls."

He snaps his fingers and flame roars to life. "Give me some of your hair Mina."

Mina balks, looking at the green flame Kakos has wrought.  He gives her a cold smile, "Don't worry, this one's on me, and I'm only asking for a strand or two. It will tell us where they are."

Mina reluctantly undoes her braid. Her long hair flying apart in high winds at this level. She combs a hand through her hair until a few strands come lose.  She passes them to Kakos, twisting her hair back into a low bun.  Mina steps back as the flame jumps a foot.  She bumps into a hard body behind her. Looking back, she finds Nathaniel's a silent wall.  He puts a steadying hand to her shoulder.

Mina drops her gaze, uncertain.  She is all too aware of Nathaniel's touch. I'm not sure I want it, but I would be a fool to refuse his help.

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