The period of darkness has been cast across the galaxy for far too long. One final hope is the only chance at the restoration of peace, but he cannot fight the Empire alone. There are several people across the galaxy willing to fight for the right c...
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"Rescue?" he rasped. He licked his lips as blood trickled down them. "Who sent you? The Rebellion?" He seemed to be fighting against something in his mind as he shook his head. "No, no. They wouldn't."
"No," you said. "The Rebellion didn't send me. It's a long story and one that I don't have time to tell."
You crossed the cell room and knelt in front of him. Your hands worked on the cuffs that bound his wrists together until they deactivated and broke open, revealing his two bruised wrists. You stood up.
"Come with me," you said. "Quick."
"How do I know this is real?" he whispered.
"It's real," you said.
His lips twitched into a smile as the tears dripped down his cheeks. At first you thought it was relief, but then he laughed lowly and said, "I-I think they did it. They finally broke me."
"Not yet, Captain," you said. You shook your head and pulled your eyebrows together. "Do you hear me? Look at me. They haven't broken you yet. Come with me, please."
"I don't understand," he whispered, shaking his head as he continued to smile.
A sound made you jump and turn to look behind you. Troopers were coming quickly. You hurriedly grabbed his wrists, keeping mind of the bruises that darkened them. "Quickly now! You have to help me, Captain. You have to stand. I'm going go get you out of here."
At that, he nodded slightly and you helped him to his feet. You could hear the footsteps coming down the corridor quicker now. You had to act fast and leave this area before they completely surrounded it. Keeping one of his hands in yours, you moved it so that his arm draped across your shoulders. Your right arm wrapped around his waist, lifting him up slightly. He limped as you both made your way out of the cell.
The lights still flickered in the corridor. You moved as quickly as you could, pulling along this man that relied so much on you to move with him yet stood far taller than you were. It terrified you that you could hear heavy marches multiplying. They were searching for you and closing in quick. Soon they would find out that it was the Captain you had stolen away from them and they would do everything in their power to stop you.
As you rounded a corner, you ran directly into the sights of half a dozen troopers. You slammed to a stop and Cassian grunted.
"There they are! Stop them!"
"Get back, Captain," you warned, pulling yourself away from him to take a stance protectively in front of him.
With your eyes on the troopers, you pulled out your weapon. The blue hue bounced off the walls and the white of their armor as you stepped forward quickly, raising it above your head and swinging it out. They staggered back in shock and you pushed forward, raising it above your head to bring it down on them unforgivingly. Every blaster shot in your direction was met with the blue of your saber. You sliced through all of them with your teeth clenched hard. Part of you was aware these were lives being taken away, but it was so difficult to see them as people. They were only slaves of the Empire.