You weren't sure how it happened or what even happened. One minute you were racing across the length of the street, your lightsaber splitting through the white armor of stormtroopers, suffocating in the thickness of the crowd, and the next you were spinning around and watching the entire road explode in a blast of white, purple, and orange.
You hit the ground so hard that your breath was knocked out of you. Feet trampled over you as you slowly turned on your side, opening your mouth wide with a groan of pain that you couldn't hear. Your braid slid off your shoulder and hit the pavement in front of your face. You focused on it as you shakily got up on your hands and knees. The heat from the explosion must've singed the tip of it off. It ended several inches shorter than you'd last seen it. The ringing in your ears was so loud that it deafened you.
But as your head snapped up and another bomb went off in the streets, filling the space with skin-blistering heat and killing dozens more innocent citizens, your hearing returned. In a rush of sound you could hear it all. Screams, cries, blaster fire, thundering footsteps. You struggled to gain your footing and a man ran smack into your chest. The impact sent you toppling backwards into a pile of debris from the explosion. It took all of your focus to lift your heavy limbs out of it.
"___! ___, where are you!?"
Cassian. You nearly fell again as you rushed to stand up straight. You spun again and again, staggering back with every person that slammed into you, but you stood tall and strong. Searching desperately for a glimpse of his brown eyes in the crowd. You couldn't miss them. If you saw them, you'd know---
"Cassian!?" you yelled. "I'm here! I'm---"
Another explosion. You ducked and everyone screamed. You turned in the direction of it. A child was on the street, wailing and gripping the hand of its dead mother. You didn't hesitate even a moment. Your arms were around the child and you were yanking her up in the air, pulling her into a crushing grip against your chest, cradling the back of her head, her soft blonde hair filling your palm.
A man met you halfway across the street, shouting at you in a language you didn't know. He stole the child from you and the child gripped him tightly in return, wailing into the side of his neck. You were out of breath, backing away from the scene, turning back to look at where you had come from, watching as men and women died and stormtroopers beat people in the streets and smoke was filling every corner of every alleyway and you couldn't see Cassian anywhere.
"Cassian! Cassian Andor---" You continued forward. Your lightsaber was in your hand. You ignited it to shove it through the back of a stormtrooper that was dragging a woman from her family. He slumped on top of her and you kicked his body off.
He was so close. You turned your head. "Cassian?"
And there he was, standing just across the street. He was so relieved to see you and you took a bounding step to meet him on the other side---
And then a force met the side of your head and you were knocked on your side, watching spots dart across your vision. He was screaming your name again and you wanted to run, but you couldn't. All you could do was reach for the lightsaber that had slipped out of your hand during your fall.
"Jedi scum."
Hands beneath your arms. Scrapes against the backs of your legs as you were dragged across the pavement. Your fingers pressing against the street. Desperate to get your lightsaber back. Cassian's cries full of pain and fear as he watched you get dragged away. The stormtrooper holding you was shooting back at him as he dragged you into the coverage of a building. You could catch glimpses of Cassian through the crowd. He wasn't going to get to you in time.
Your fingers abandoned the effort to get your lightsaber and reached for the lullaby instead. You held up the dark blue pill and touched it to your lips---
And then the stormtrooper dropped you and kicked you in the face. The pill was knocked away from your fingers. Blood poured from your mouth and your last hope bounced away in the mess of the street. It was probably crushed underneath the mob of people running from the danger of the war zone.
And just like that, every hope was stripped from you. You went limp in the arms of the stormtrooper and he dragged your body into the doorway of the building---
Don't give up! You have to fight!
The woman from your very first vision. You would recognize her voice anywhere. But how could you fight? Your weapon, your lullaby, Cassian --- they were all out of reach.
You are not alone.
Then where are you? you thought. I need you. I need to know that you're real.
Her voice was as clear as day. It wasn't just in your mind, it was in your ears. It was across the street from you. It said, Then look at me.
You only needed to glance ahead to see her. She held two white lightsabers and wore a hooded robe to conceal her identity. She stood unmoving in the crowd but she was there and she was real, with piercing blue eyes and dark orange skin.
My name is Ahsoka Tano, she said, but her lips did not move. And I know you, young Kenobi. You are not finished yet.
Someone passed in front of her and she disappeared. At the same time, the stormtrooper yanked you upward to toss you ahead. You grunted in pain as you collided with the sidewalk and suffered several punches to your face and gut. In desperation, you looked for her again, hoping she would come to your rescue. She was gone.
Your strength lies inside of you. Look to the Force!
Inside of you. You shut your eyes as tightly as you could, desperate to block out the sounds of violence. The shouting, the crying, the hurt... inside of you was something to balance all of the dark.
Light. Life. The warmth of the suns against your skin. The feeling of Cassian's lips against your hair. The depth of his brown eyes as they stared at you. Your father's laugh as he watched you train with his lightsaber. Love. Brightness. Everything was so bright.
And it was all inside of you.
Your eyes opened slowly. You were inside of the building now, on the dirty floor in a dark room. The stormtrooper dropped you carelessly and reached to grab the door to close it---
Your hand opened, your eyes on your weapon that was lost in the mob of citizens. You watched it roll on the street before it flew into the air and hit your palm. The door was sealed shut and you were left in darkness for a single second.
It ended when you ignited your lightsaber and jumped on your feet. The blue lit up the entire room and you slayed the trooper where he stood. As he fell to his feet, the doors opened and a fleet more poured out, weapons trained on you.
Confronting fear is the destiny of a Jedi. Confront it, young Kenobi, and fulfill your destiny.
With her words ringing clear in your mind, you faced them, wielding your father's weapon, fulfilling his destiny and yours.
And you were not afraid, even as the building came down around you in a heaping cloud of ash and dust.

FanfictionThe period of darkness has been cast across the galaxy for far too long. One final hope is the only chance at the restoration of peace, but he cannot fight the Empire alone. There are several people across the galaxy willing to fight for the right c...