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It happened as you slept. Your dreams of blurred visions of you and your father studying side-by-side faded away. You were startled when he became out of reach, when you were suddenly thrust into a vision you couldn't understand. You were floating amongst the stars, your arms spread to your sides, your hair flowing behind you.

A dream had never felt this real. You were laying on the sofa, your body knew, but your mind was elsewhere. And your eyes widened as the stars consumed you and flashes of things you couldn't comprehend danced across your eyes.

A woman you couldn't see, two lightsabers in hand. She whispered your name and then you could see it all, hear it all, feel it all. The sound of deep, mechanical breathing. Lightsabers clashing. Blasters firing. Smoke was in front of your face. You desperately tried to wave it away but it stuck to your skin.

I don't want things to change.

But you cannot stop change. No more than you can stop the suns from setting.

You were paralyzed but you were seeing lifetimes go by. Your mind raced to comprehend it; to comprehend the speed and time you were experiencing like this. You were watching a galaxy go by in front of you.

Obi-Wan. Promise me you will train the boy.

Yes, Master.

He... is the Chosen One. He will bring balance. Train him.

And then you could see your father, just a young boy, cradling a man's face in his hands as he sobbed. Qui-Gon, the Master he could hardly muster up the strength to speak about with becoming tearful.

All of this, the female's voice whispered, has led to you.

You knew she was speaking to you, even though you couldn't place her voice with anyone you knew. Me

The images shifted and you were pulled further into the future.

You are strong and wise, Anakin, and I am proud of you. I have trained you since you were a small boy and you have become a far greater Jedi than I could ever hope to be.

Your father and another boy, the boy who failed him, the boy who caused him to run away to Tatooine for exile. You knew of this boy through stories that ended as they all did, with your father turning away so you couldn't see the tears in his eyes. 

Finally you could see it, the breaking of Anakin and your father's relationship. You watched your father experience the fall of his padawan. It ended with a broken-hearted gaze on the burned remains of his brother.

You were my brother Anakin! I loved you.

It hurt you so deeply to see him that way. Your father's past was what drove him to protect you the way that he did. All you could do was watch as he trudged sadly up the charred hill. If you could move, you'd be running to his side.