Chapter 1

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Devon: I am. I don't know how I came to be, but I am now, and I don't know how to feel about it. When I first became, I had not a single idea of who I was, nor anything that had happened to me before I was being, standing before a large, handsome person with a bright, wide smile and piercing golden eyes. "Hello, Amber," he said, apparently to me.

"Is that supposed to be my name?" I asked.

"It is your name, yes."

"Hmm, no."

The handsome person's eyebrows raised slightly, as if in amusement. "No?"

"I like Devon," I suggested instead.

I felt like I could see the internal debate unfold in his eyes, wondering if it was worth it to bother arguing with me. I knew somehow that it wasn't, but I was curious to see what conclusion he came to regardless. After a moment, he shrugged his broad shoulders, lifting up a shiny device before himself and swiping upwards above it. He tapped the air a few times before shaping a checkmark, making the device produce a soft sound. "Alright, Devon," he said pointedly, making me smile and nod at him gratefully, "how are you feeling?"

"I'm... annoyed," I answered honestly, unaware of why I should be feeling that way, "and frustrated. But not at you, don't worry," I added with a smile.

"How do you feel physically?" he asked, refusing to be distracted by me.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Pretty good, I guess." I raised my eyebrows at him. "Is that about to change?"

"It's not uncommon for trainees to feel a bit woozy, maybe a little nauseated," he said in a very rehearsed manner.

"Oh, fun," I said flatly as he marked another check mark above the device.

"You've just arrived at the training center. Here are your clothes." It was then that I noticed I was naked. I thought nothing of it as I accepted the comfortable looking clothes from the man. "Go ahead and get dressed, then line up to see which training group you belong to."

"Uh, okay. Training for what, exactly?"

"All your questions will be answered soon." I dressed in front of him, then was handed a pair of black slip on shoes, which I also put on. "Now get in line, and don't hesitate to alert any one of us if you start to feel unwell."


"And remember, your name is Devon."

"Yes, I remember." I only picked it myself five minutes ago, I thought, unable to be terribly annoyed with someone so attractive. "What's your name?"

"You're free to move along now," he said dismissively, nodding at the line. "Good luck!"

With what? I wondered as I left the small room, my annoyance and frustration pursuing me, my next attempt at flirting? I got in a line that seemed to stretch on forever, both ahead of me and behind me. Ah, good luck getting through the line, I thought bitterly. Good thing it seems to be moving along rather quickly. As I mindlessly followed the person in front of me, I stared around at our surroundings. We weren't the only line by a long shot, and we were all in a large, wide open building with grey walls, floors, and ceiling.

An immeasurable length of time later, I reached a table where another attractive, golden-eyed person in a pristine uniform sat. "Name?" she asked me.

"Devon," I answered matter-of-factly. She quickly tapped the air above yet another silver device, then her table produced a glowing, silvery notecard, which she grabbed and handed to me.

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