Chapter 5

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*Start of Nightmare*

Walking through the corridors of wickeds base in maze B, Natalie couldn't help but think that something bad was going to happen.

It was around midnight and she was alone, far from the right arm. She had went to check on maze B to see if the USB card was still there. She felt like it couldn't wait till morning.

Walking into the room her heart sank, this room was just like the other. Broken glass, even more dead bodies everywhere, some belonged to the right arm and the others belonged to wicked.

As she looked at the monitors she noticed the same red button from before back in Maze D. Curious, she pressed it.

The same video of Ava Paige started playing on a large screen in front of her, explaining the flare to the 'survivors'. "Pathetic" Natalie mumbled quietly.

She went over to the other computer and searched for the USB, yet again it wasn't there. Suddenly just when she was going to pull her hand back it was grabbed by another.

Natalie let out a small scream as she started pulling her hand out of the grasp of the other. Natalie was prettified, she watched as her mother walked through the doorway, still attached to her hand.

Her mum was a full blown crank, her eyes were gone and black liquid oozed from her mouth. Natalie screamed at the top of her lungs until her voice became raspy and her throat hurt.

A quiet grown came from behind Natalie, silencing her screams. She cautiously turned her head around as her the tears dropped down her cheeks, Natalies sobs got worse as her eyes now lay on her brother.

He was also a crank, large black veins stuck out all over his skin as the same black liquid stained his lips.

As they both approached her, Natalie slammed her eyes shut as tight as she could before letting out one last scream.

*End of Nightmare*

The next morning Vince and Mary heard Natalies screams, they dropped what they were doing and immediately ran to her tent.

She was still sleeping, though she was kicking and screaming as the tears and sweat soaked the fabric of the bed. They quickly knelt down beside her and tried to calm her down.

Natalie jolted awake covered in tears and sweat. She couldn't believe what had just happened, "why now?" She thought.

Mary and Vince both put a hand on her to reassure her that she was safe. Her breathing was heavy and her vision was blurry with the tears.

"Hey it's okay kiddo" Vince said as he sat down onto the bed beside her legs, he hated seeing her like this, both of them did.

After a few minutes Vince went to wake up Harriet and Sonya, leaving Mary to help Natalie change. Natalie didn't speak about what happened in her dream she just wanted to get the day over with.


Vince took the girls and a few other men out to Maze C to see if they could find anyone left or even a trace of them.

Every base was the same. Dead bodies, broken glass and the same stupid video of Ava Paige. Natalie couldn't help but think about all the horrible things her dad would be doing to those kids, she felt guilty for not doing anything sooner.

Walking through the room Natalie stopped at every computer to see if there was anything they could go off of. Yet again there was nothing. It frustrated Natalie that she couldn't get any leads nor could they find even one survivor.

"Right we will go to Maze A tomorrow, it's the last one" Vince shouted to the scattered people around the room. They gave him either a nod or a mumble in return before they continued to look around the room.

"Why are you doing this dad?" Natalie thought to her self as she made her way back over to Vince as they got ready to leave. Tomorrow they would go to maze A, Natalie only hoped she wasn't too late to save any.

Once back at the camp they all gathered around the fire for dinner. It wasn't much but Natalie couldn't have asked for better, she was finally home.

She finally had a mum again, a loving dad, and two amazing sisters. She only wished Aris was here with them.

"You okay Nat?" Harriet asked placing a hand onto Natalies shoulder. Natalie looked over at her and gave her soft smile before answering.

"Yeah I'm fine just miss Aris" She said softly.

"We'll get him back kiddo don't worry" Vince reassured her giving her a small smile as he leaned against Mary. Hearing him say that brought a smile to Natalies face and gave her hope, that one day she will see her brother again.

Natalie danced with the girls all night and even gotten to know a few more of the members of the right arm. She was having way more fun here then she did back at wicked.

Sonya and Harriet took Natalie out the back of the camp and showed her how to fire a gun. Being stuck in an office most of her life she never knew how to fire one properly, and being part of the right arm it was a skill you needed.

"I can't do it" Natalie giggled as she struggled to hold the riffle, Harriet and Sonya couldn't do anything but laugh.

"Your just being stupid come on focus" Sonya chuckled as she angled Natalies gun for her.

Natalie closed one of her eyes and focused on the circle on the wall in front of her. She let out a long sigh before pulling the trigger, the sound of the gun shot rang through the mountains. Leaving Natalie with a slight ringing in her ears.

"Heyy your a natural kid" Vince chuckled pulling him self up from the small ledge. The three girls spun around giggling at Vince's comment as he walked over to them and pulled them into a group hug.

They all made their way back down to the camp and Vince gave the girls another hug before sending them off to bed.

Surprisingly Natalie went to bed happier then usual, even with the horrible nightmare she had the previous night, Natalie had a good day with her new family.

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