Chapter 17

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Vince's brows knotted as his eyes stumbled across Sonya and Harriet with a rather large group of strangers. They all seemed to be teenagers except from an older looking man, with them planning on moving the next day Vince was sceptical, especially after what Parker had done. 

"Who are they?" he asked approaching the group, many of their eyes scanning him. 

"Their immunes, caught them coming up the mountain" Harriet explained walking into the tent behind him, placing down her gun. Sonya following shortly after. 

Vince's suspicions only grew once one of the members of the strange group suddenly fell onto the sand, her breathing unsteady. She looked ill, a look Vince knew all too well, the look he had seen many times on members for the right arm. Though he wasn't one to jump to conclusions. 

"What's going on with her?" he asked the older man, crouching down beside him and the poorly girl. She really didn't look good, from the way he tended to her Vince could see she meant a lot to him. It reminded him of the relationship he had with Natalie and the girls. 

Curiously, Vince pulled up one leg of her trousers. Revealing a nasty black bite wound, faint dark veins ascending from it further up her legs. It had been there a while, maybe a day or two? But that information wasn't needed. What was needed was to destroy the treat that they had brought. 

"Crank! We got a Crank!" Vince called, alerting the others while he pulled out a small shotgun from his belt, pointing it at the infected girl. There was silence over the camp, everyone looking towards the commotion. 

One boy from the group rushed over the Vince in a panic, pleading for him to put down the gun. Claiming that she wasn't dangerous yet, which for him he clearly knew nothing about the turning process. Not like Vince did anyway. Even if you hadn't turned yet, you were still a threat to the camp, the infection had spread throughout the world. Most of the population had died from it. One infected girl could possibly wipe out the entire camp.

"We let cranks in here now the safe heaven doesn't last a week" Vince explained sternly. 

"I told her you could help, please...there must be something you to do for her" the boy begged, causing Vince to look back at the girl. He imagined one of his laying there, debating what he would do in the situation. Would he pull the trigger? Could he pull the trigger? He had no idea. The only thing he knew was that she was only going to get worse, her time was limited. 

"Yeah there is one thing...." Vince looked towards the man he guessed was her father, "I can put her out of her misery" he finished, pulling the barrel of the gun. He could see the fear that the man had in his eyes, the same fear he would have. In that moment Vince was debating whether he could really do it or not. 

However before he could make a decision, the voice of Mary came from behind him. "Vince that's enough!" She shouted, ordering the men of the right arm to release the man they were holding back. Vince knew he couldn't argue with Mary, she was one stubborn women. Suppose that was one reason why he loved her. 

Mary's eyes widened as she looked towards the group, she was completely shocked. Stood in front of her was two of the teenagers that she had worked with in wicked, two immunes that -like Natalie- had been kept to work behind the screens. And best of all, hidden behind them all stood an awkward Aris, all grown up from the last time she had seen him. Mary was filled with joy, if only Natalie was here right now, who she would have great pleasure to go and get. 

"Is it really you? Aris is that really you?" She asked softly, almost a whisper. Aris however was completely lost, his memories had been taken as was everyone else's, he had no idea who this woman was. But he figured that she knew him before the maze, maybe it was his mother? only the woman seemed to have the answers.

Aris nodded, nervous from all the eyes looking towards him. But he didn't appear to be the only one the women knew, surprisingly she knew Thomas. Claiming that Thomas helped them become the right arm, told them where every wicked building was, allowing them to go and attempt to save as many kids as possible.

"Harriet, Sonya quick go and find Natalie. You two take this girl to the tent, we may have a way to help her afterall" Mary ordered, turning from the two girls to two men, all of them parting from the group. 

"Who's Natalie?" one Asian boy from the group asked, from the mumbles of agreement from the rest of the group. Mary could tell they all were wondering the same thing. 

Mary smiled while looking at the youngest of the group, "Natalie is Aris's sister" Aris's eyes widened, he was oblivious to this information. He had no memories how would he have known? but he didn't quite trust these people, not even Sonya and Harriet. They had been away from him for a long time, they could be lying. Aris wasn't sure who to believe in the world now, the only way to know the truth was to meet his 'sister'.  


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