Chapter 15

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All Natalie wanted to do was sleep, sleep her life away. But of course that wasn't possible. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't drift off. Sleep seemed to avoid her as much as it could.

She heard the morning animals, the sounds of the wind brushing the sand along the ground. Hell, she heard the sun rise. Every minute of every hour she seen, heard, witnessed.

She refused to leave the comfort of her bed, refused to see the banishment. The last memory she wanted of Parker was the last moment they had shared together. Not his face when he was forced to live in the scorch. Alone.

Harriet and Sonya came to check on Natalie every so often, bringing her food and water. They couldn't understand what she was going through, but they tried their best to comfort her.

It brought the girl some joy to know Sonya was back to normal. Her wound had completely healed with pink scar tissue, no pain at all. She was back to the bubbly, cheerful blonde that she was.

Though the stories the girls told of Aris helped slightly, they only made Natalie want her brother. Here in the flesh. She needed his comfort, his reassuring messages. She just needed him. Her little brother.

"If your up for it Natalie, we are heading for patrol on the cliffs. Vince wants us to move again, Janson could know where we are" Harriet explained, sitting aside her legs.

Patrol sounded fun, it usually was. The laughs, the good times, there wasn't anyone that wondered around the mountains. To it was practically a day off, yet Natalie wasn't up for fun. She just wanted to bed to swallow her whole.

"I'd love to guys, but I'm not really in the mood" she sighed, turning away from them. She felt rude doing so, but maybe it would be enough for them to drop it.

"You know where to find us if you change your mind" Sonya smiled, the pair leaving Natalie with her thoughts.

Her heavy eyes scanned the room, each piece of clothing, each bit of furniture. Until eventually she the closed, allowing her to drift into a well needed sleep.


Sand, sun, buildings. That's all that Natalie was surrounded by. No sign of Vince or even the mountains, she was in the middle of the desert, alone.

Her eyes scanned her surroundings, not one person. Not even a voice, the only sound to be heard was the wind blowing through the broken glass of the buildings.Whistling. 

Just when she was beginning to walk through the streets, a voice echoed through her head. Stunned, she stood their unable to move. It wasn't just any voice, it was Aris's.

A group of teenagers crawled out from under fallen beams and into the open. Their had to be around 6 of them, all wearing old, torn, dirty clothes. They looked homeless, yet everyone looked like that. You couldn't exactly be fashionable when the flare was around.

Natalie noticed one particular person in the group, he was smaller then the rest, younger looking. It took her a moment to realise that it was in fact her brother. Alive. And by the looks of it, far from Janson.

She wanted to run to him, hug him, but her feet would not move. They were glued in place. It was as if she had no control over them.

The group got closer, yet they hadn't noticed Natalie standing there. They had looked straight at her, many times. But they never acknowledged her. Perhaps they couldn't see her, she was in a dream after all. But to her it felt so real.

It was definitely Aris. And from what Natalie could recall their was others that she recognised with them. Newt, Sonya's brother. But she started to panic when she realised that Thomas and Teresa were also with them.

Thomas and Teresa were two immunes that worked for Janson. Floor A, is the floor they worked on, Natalie could remember perfectly. But if they were with Aris and Newt, that meant they weren't safe. They weren't free from Janson.


Natalie woke with tears in her eyes. She hadn't dreamt of Aris for days, so why now? Was she being punished for telling Vince about Parker? She didn't understand.

She could tell she hadn't been asleep long, the atmosphere of the camp was still dull. It wouldn't be as up beat as usual with the banishment. Everyone sounded shocked about what happened, Parker was the one man that was believed to be loyal to Vince. But it wasn't so.

Parker was a liar, a fool, a traitor. She destroyed Natalies happiness, it wasn't Janson. It was him. He tore her heart in two, broke her down once again, love wasn't all she believed it to be. She didn't believe she could love again. But that was never true.

Everyone is capable of love, even the darkest hearts. You just have to be the one to make them show it, Natalie would find that out soon enough.

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