Chapter 12

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They had travelled days across the desert, losing many good men to the scorch. Or even the flare. But Natalie knew they did not die in vain, that they're death would help save the life's of hundreds of children.

Sonya was still gravely ill, but her wound was healing. Slowly, but in time she would hopefully be back to her old self. The loving, bubbly blonde Natalie knew and loved.

Their knew camp was miles from their old one, meaning wicked couldn't track them. No one knew how they were able to find them in the first place, but Natalie had a feeling someone betrayed them. And she was destined to find out who.

Most men got started on putting up the tents while Natalie helped Harriet tend to Sonya, redressing her wound. It was healing nicely, but would take some time to heal fully. Sonya was more active with the others which was a good sign.

Although there was a rather large, dark bullet wound in her side. Sonya seemed to be rather happy, which concerned Natalie. No one should be so happy after being so close to dying.

"How you feeling today Son" Natalie asked pulling the covers back over the girl on the ground.

"Yes thank you" she smiled in return. Natalie always loved her smile, how beautiful it was. Deep down she was jealous.

Natalie had ran around all day, helping set up camp. Moving things into different tents, unpacking her things into her own. It was rather tiring.

She had been excused from her duties for now, to do what she pleased. Though there wasn't many things you could do out in the desert. She was technically trying to stay alive mostly everyday, hiding from wicked and stuck in the heat of the scorch.

Natalie sat alone in her tent, listening to the wind blow against the fabric of the tent. Riffles forming on the side of the tent. In her hand lay a small figure Aris had made when he was a child.

Each day she missed him more and more. The thought of all the dreadful things her father would be doing to him broke her heart. More then she could explain. Her brother was her best friend, the person that she grew up taking care of.

She could never forgive herself if they could not save him. If they were too late and Janson had already tortured him to death. His own son. She always knew that he was a horrible man, but stooping as low as to harm his son. Was something she never believed he would do.

She was then pulled from her thoughts by a figure in the corner of her eyes. It was Vince, he seemed cheerful as he sat next to her. He took the small figure from her hands, and began admiring it.

"He did a good job. Say how about we go join Mary around the fire, hm?" He beamed, retuning the small object. With a smile on her face, Natalie gave a small nod in response. The pair walking out to join the singing and laughter of the right arm.

Mary sat by the fire, singing a sweet song she used to sing to Natalie and Aris. It brought back so many great childhood memories, if you could even call it a childhood.

After their mum died, Mary would tuck the two in every night and sing them their mother's favourite song. Mary was a close family friend growing up, but by the time Natalie was 13, Mary had become her mother. And they had became her children.

Natalie sat peacefully listening to Mary sing, Parker's arm wrapped loosely over her shoulder. They weren't technically a thing, but they weren't just friends either. Natalie didn't know exactly what they were. But right now she had no complaints.

Surprisingly Sonya joined them tonight, sitting next to Harriet with a mental cup in her hand. Occasionally Natalie would hear or see her wince with a sudden movement, but would immediately go back to smiling. She was one tough girl.

The night continued like any other, they laughed, danced, sang. Natalie had not one single moment where she was upset, or down. She was constantly happy, which for Natalie, was a good thing. She never had much happiness in her life, her father was an asshole. No one could deny that.

After wishing everyone a good night, and hugging them individually. Natalie headed to bed, a small yawn escaping her lips as she walked towards her tent. Nothing could spoil her mood, especially now that Sonya was on her feet. Well that was until she heard his voice.

"You've moved again. How many are still there" Natalie hurried to the side of the tent. Careful not to make any sudden noises. She could have sworn that Jansons voice had rasped through a walkie-talkie from inside.

What came next made the girls heart break. The man whose tent it was answered.

"Yes, we are further up the mountains. We have a good number, possibly all the kids you are missing. And Janson....your daughter is here"


Okay so we have a traitor among us. But who is it?

Sorry for the slow uploads, will do my best to get as many out as possible. Thank you so much for over 300 views!!

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