Chapter 16

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Though they wished Natalie would come with them, Sonya and Harriet knew she needed to be alone. They hoped she would join at some point in the day, patrol was usually boring, no one came up the mountains. However that wasn't the case today.

As expected the day started off as boring as the last. Though the view from the cliff top was beautiful, sitting doing nothing would drive them crazy one day. Drawing in the dirt, playing cards and assembling their guns would one day not be enough to satisfy them.

Upon the third hour of their shift, Sonya spotted a vehicle approaching the roadblock. Throughout the years any cars had stopped in the road, becoming abandoned. No one knew what had happened to their owners, perhaps they were lost in the mountains, but the best guess they got infected.

"Hey Har, I think today might be interesting after all" Sonya called quietly. Many of their men approached the side of the cliff, careful not to be seen as they brought their guns in front of them.

"You guys take care up here, we'll go down and inspect" Harriet told the group of men. They all nodded in agreement, some laying down on the ground and setting up snipers. In this world, you could never be too careful.

The trip down the mountain wasn't long, surprisingly it was shorter then when they climbed up it perviously. The two girls kept their guns in hand the whole way down, though it was very unlikely to stumble across a crank in the day, these newcomers were strangers. Throughout being part of the right arm, they learned that even the people closest to you, may even be the ones that betray you.

The pair watched as a large group of people emerged from the truck, all but one being teenagers. They were from the maze, they had to be, no teenager would walk freely in the world. Wicked took all of them, to their knowledge anyway.

Gunshots rang through the cliffs, supposedly from the group of the right arm. From what Harriet and Sonya could see, the strangers seemed unarmed.

However that wasn't exactly true. Sonya and Harriet soon found out that the oldest in the group -an older dark skinned male- had pulled out what looked like a bomb of some sort. This truly terrified Sonya, she had almost died once, she didn't want to go through that again anytime soon.

"Drop it" Harriet spoke up, the pair cautiously approaching the man with the bomb. "Now! I said drop it!" She repeated.

The man slowly turned to them, remaining eye contact as he placed the small detonator onto the ground. The teenage boy beside him staying silent, refusing to turn to them.

"Back up. You to over here now, don't be stupid move" Harriet ordered, Sonya rounding up the rest that were huddled behind a car, probably using it to shield them from the bullets.

Once everyone was in front of her, Harriet suddenly froze, her eyes remaining on the youngest of the group. Aris. It was him, it had to be. She was taken aback by seeing him, after the stories Natalie had told her about him. How she missed him, this would definitely make her day.

"Aris?" She asked, lowering her gun. The group turned to him, confused. At first Aris never responded, he remained silent as he took in the girl in front of him.

Harriet removed the fabric that was covering her face and watched as Aris's face lit up. "Omg Harriet" he said in disbelief.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Harriet beamed, engulfing the small boy in a hug. How she had missed him, how she couldn't wait to reunite him with Natalie. This would definitely cheer her up.

"Sonya" he spoke as he seen the blonde standing beside Harriet.

"You lucky we didn't shoot your dumb ass" She Chuckled, pulling him into a hug of her very own.

After being asked what was going on by one of the boys in the group, Aris explained that he knew the two from the maze. That they were friends.

"We're clear guys come on out" Harriet shouted towards the men above. With some of them repeating her statement, they emerged from the cliff edge.

With a smile on her face, Sonya placed her hands onto the side of Aris's face. "Thank god your alive" she told him, after everything that Natalie had done for her. Returning him to her would surly pay off the debt she owed.

The girls took them through the cars and into the small car park they had placed their trucks. Guns and box's sat upon the back of each vehicle. Harriet explained to a group of men that they were taking them back to base before heading towards a large truck.

"How did you guys get here?" Aris asked, his eyes examining his surroundings.

"The right arm got us out" Harriet explained quickly, stopping to explain everything would only waste the time they could be reuniting the siblings.

"The right arm, do you know where they are?" One boy asked, stepping in front of the group. Harriet thought he must of been a leader of some sort, the others seemed to stay behind him.

"Come on, we'll take you to them" Harriet told him, opening the door to one of the trucks. He hesitated, looking back towards the group behind him before he finally climbed into the vehicle.

Harriet and Sonya smiled at one another, happy that they were finally reuniting Aris with his older sister. They stories Natalie would tell them, how she told them she missed Aris dearly. But now they would be together again, today didn't turn out as boring as they were lead to believe.

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