Chapter 24: Emotions.

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(Paige's P.OV)

"I don't want to forget"

These 5 words made my heart drop and my breathing stop, those 5 words continuously echoed through my head. It was like i was in a daze well I kinda was... staring into his beautiful electric blue eyes. Oh man I could do this all day....My facial expression was probably very derpy. A big loopy smile plastered on my face and my eyes shining so brightly.

What do i do?.

This was all I could do.

I slap him. Across the face. hard.

"Argh!. what the hell femme!!!"

"Sorry!, the emotions were over-whelming!", I squeak in embarrassment as Ratchet layed on the carpet flooring next to the lounge holding his bright red right cheek glaring up at me.

"And you slap me!?", he now squeaks at me.

"No!, Maybe!, Yes okay I slapped you!", I claimed feeling extremely guilty. Peeping over the couch, I leaned down to his face our noses touching each over, our eyes meet and we stared into eachover's eye's like a never ending trance once again. Ratchet smirked at me while I pouted at him.

"Bully", Ratchet claimed.

"I apologized!"

"You're a bully"

"I'm sorry!"


"I'm sorry!"

"You owe me-", I cut him off with a peck on the lips, pulling back his eyes shined brightly with a wide smile plastered on his healthy, clear skin.

"Better?", I ask gently rubbing my nose against his while giggling.

"mmmmm, one more?", Ratchet asked with slyness. He was obviously enjoying being the upper-hand.

"hmmm.... maybe", I know smirk at him as Ratchet scowled.

"Don't tease me Femme"

"I have a name Mech"

"Oh so you're going to be complicated"

"Aren't I always", I wink at him flirtatiously making his cheeks flare up in a bright violet colour.

My eyes stayed connected with his, "So what know?", I ask Ratchet unsure what to do anymore. For once in my life I was out of Idea's. Wow. My life is complete. just kidding. Ratchet got up slowly lending out his right hand in offer to help me up, which i of course accepted without hesitation. Grabbing his hand we held a strong grip as he pulled me up to him. 

"Well...", Ratchet started before looking into my eyes once more, "Rules will be in place"

I raised an eyebrow at this as I looked up at him. God I hate being short and I hate following rules!. "What type of rules?", I ask him curiously. My curiosity is going to be the end of me one day.

Ratchet smiled shyly his cheeks heating up slightly as the air around us suddenly became tense and serious, "First. In human terms. Will you be my... girlfriend?"

My eyes go wide. Girlfriend?. Relationship!?.

O-O Shit just got real. What am I meant to say!?


"jhwebiub", I spit out and Ratchet raised an eyebrow at me, "What?"

"Re-p-eat the questio-n ple-ase", I stutter uncontrollably and Ratchet nodded slowly.

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