Chapter 1: Beginning

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A/N This is My first time writing a Transformers Book, so please keep calm Lol. I do not own anything, but my Character (Paige) and 'Plot' of the story.

Transformers Bayverse credits go to Hasbro and Michael Bay!

~~ Picture is what Paige Looks Like

2019 Hollaugh: Hey guys, So I wrote this Fanfiction in like 2014-2015. Heavy warning that this Fanfiction is borderline CrackFic! So I hope you enjoy it as much as I cringe at it!


(Paige's P.O.V)

I sigh boredly as I walk to High school, yes High school , even though I'm nearly 18 I still have to go to school.

Luckily that its my last year, will i go to college you ask, no fucking clue I say. I yawn from lack of sleep as last night I had the weirdest dream about Transformers and the primes saying today I will be in a different dimension and no one will know about the Autobots or Decepticons, but Sam Witwicky and stuff. It felt so real I have to say, but its not its Just a false story sadly.

"scrap", I mutter when it started to sprinkle rain, its summer, but hey its ok lets just pour with fucking rain. yay!

I was wearing my casual White Skinny Jeans, Sky Blue T-shirt with a white Logo saying -I'm Crazy and I Know It-, sky blue Vans that had the Autobot Insignia printed on the sides in white.

"oh my gosh, this walk is taking forever!!!", I scream down the road to my school, people outside their houses or walking to school, looked at me if i had two heads, the rain finally stopped , which I'm glad.

I click my tongue to pull out my white Iphone 5s and checked the time, 8:15am. I sigh relieved, class starts at 8:30am thank Primus.

"Oh My gosh I made it!!", I squeal, falling onto the front grass of the school, face first may i add.

"are you ok Miss??", I hear a males voice question me.

"huh?", I respond and roll onto my back to be blinded by the sun.

"Hi, what's ya name", he asked simply..

"Sup, My name is Paige Lauren, who are you?", I introduce myself, still trying to block the sun with my hands.

He chuckles and holds out a hand, I accept and he pulls me to my feet as he introduces himself to me, "My name Is Sam Witwicky, are you new to this school?, I never seen you here before", he points out.

My eyes go wide, "wait 'The Sam Witwicky' ?", I ask awe-strucked.

He looks at me weirdly, "uh yeah that's my name"

I look over his shoulder to see a yellow and Black striped Camaro, "Holy shit", I scream and take 3 steps back, covering the Autobot necklace with my hand.

"are you ok, Paige?", he asks concerned.

"uhm, of course hahah", I say nervously letting go of the necklace, he looks up and down my body and confusion is written over his face in seconds.

"whats that logo on you shoes", he asks pointing to my feet.

"oh", i say blandly looking down my shoes, forgot about them slag..

"Where did you get those shoes and the necklace?", he asks AGAIN.

"The shops", I stall, noticing Bumblebee's engine start up and a black Topkick Truck followed by an Ambulance, Ratchet N Ironhide driving down the road and parking next to Bee, Will and Epps inside of Ironhide, they look at me with questioning looks.

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