Chapter 19: Oh My goodness. Mind Blown.

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-Ironhide's Holoform --->


(Paige's P.O.V)

Oh poop. Oh pooop. Oh shit.

"eeek", I squeal in horror as I see Ratchet through the peep hole, trying to unlock the front door.

"Open up Paige!", I hear Ironhide yell as he tried to kick the door open, Optimus restrains the now squirming Ironhide from bashing the door down.

"ahhhhh!!", I whine before running off to the four mech's inside that were trying to find hiding spots.

"what we gonna do, what are we gonna do!?", Jazz freaked before parkouring over my lounge, followed by Bee who ran into the Kitchen

"We are scrapped!", Sunstreaker whispered fiercely.

"WE ONLY WANT THE 4 SLAGGERS PAIGE!", Ratchet claimed innocently.

Ah. Like I'd fall for that.

"okay, guys", I start as I wave my hands around frantically, they became quiet and turned their attention towards me, "We can escape from the backyard..", I whisper slowly, Sideswipe was the first to react and ran to the back sliding door , we followed immediately but froze when we saw a smirking Ironhide looking straight back at us five. He grinned widely before knocking on the glass door three times.

"Oh when I get the hold of you five...", Ironhide started as he opened up the unlocked back door, before getting cut off by screams and a loud 'thud', I slowly turned around to see the twins on the floor in fear being towered over a medic with a devilish smile. As an Wrench was being waved in the air in his left hand. A very big wrench may I add.. Oh my goodness is it made out of titanium!?.

Oh Bucket. Oh Duck. Oh fire truck. No swearing rule. Is now.... demolished.

"OH FUCK!!!", I yell and dodge a wrench being thrown at me which hit Bumblebee behind me. whoops. I sneak off.

"Okay Okay Okay", I whispered to myself panickly, I do not want to be killed tonight. I looked around urgently for the 3 pissed off mech's.

Ratchet with twins check. Ironhide with Jazz and Optimus with Bumblebee. Heading up the stairs carefully as I kept an eye on the four captured mech's who were now sitting in the living room once again being stared down by a pissed medic, Weapon specialist and Prime.

"Where did Paige go to?", I heard the prime's voice from the kitchen as I continued to crawl up the stairs, Jazz's icy blue eyes meet with mine as I slowly snuck up the stair case. He quickly looked away smiling nervously at Optimus.

"Uh..No clue", Jazz chuckled,  before scratching the back of his head. The rest shrugged. Thank Primus. Jazz I owe you one.

Ironhide check the bottom floor of the house in search of me, "She isn't here. How did she escape?", Ironhide grunted annoyed. He obviously didn't know there was a staircase leading up to a whole new area.

Ratchet smirked suddenly, "i think I know where she is...", He claimed and Optimus gave him a brief nod towards the medic. Signalling 'go get her'. I squeaked in fear to myself before quickly running up the staircase. Everyone's heads shot up to where I was as they heard the loud thumps of my feet against the wooden flooring. God damn it. I am Screwed.

"Paige. Come here now!", Ratchet yelled before chasing after me. 

"NEVER!", I yell picking up a frying pan from the spare room, -I happened to keep it there for self defense reasons ever since the Megatron Incident-  I swiftly threw it at the medic running straight towards me.

"FRAGGING FEMME!!!", Ratchet cursed in agony as the frying pan hit him dead in the face, leaving a red mark on his left cheek. 

I started to laugh at the face reaction I had received and it didn't help one bit as I now ran away from a pissed off medic with titanium wrench's flying EVERYWHERE. The laughter made it harder to run and harder to breathe as I slammed the spare bedroom door shut in his face. I gasped as Ratchet ran straight threw the door surprise written all over his face. I couldn't help but laugh harder, tears started to form in the corner of my eyes as I stumbled towards my bedroom. I easily heard Ratchet groaning and a chuckle escaping his lips, he now got up while laughing.

"I'm sorry- Oh goodness- that- damn-pain of laughter!", I claim through laughter as I held my stomach in pain.  finally after calming down a bit, Ratchet headed towards me with a plain expression, I backed away into my room slowly closing my bedroom door. 

I looked around frantically as I heard the door nob turn. Cupboard!?. No. Under the carpet. PFFT* please. Under my desk?. My head snapped towards my bedroom door hearing it slowly open.

'BED!. UNDER THE MOTHER FUCKING BED!. GOGOOGOGOOO MOVE YAH ASS!', I screamed in my mind as I dashed underneath my queen sized bed. My plain Aqua sheets just touched the gray carperted flooring. So I knew he couldn't see me. Or so I thought.

I heard Ratchet's footsteps walk around my room and a low hum, "You got a nice.. bedroom", he said slowly, I cringed slightly when I heard the cupboards doors open. "Not In here..", Next I heard my chair from my desk glide across the room, "Not under the desk...or Carpet".

AHHAHA!. I have won, In your face- "EEEKK!!", I shrieked as my left ankle was suddenly grabbed, I looked over my shoulder to see Ratchet crouching, his head peeped under the bed and his stunning blue eyes glowed in victory towards me while his face held a devilish smirk. My fingers clawed at the carpet not giving up so easily as he yanked at my ankle in hopes of me letting go.

"I found you. Let go you fragger", he swore towards me, I couldn't help the snort that escaped me and the sarcastic response that left my mouth, "And you said no swearing and look at you now. Hypocrite".

Everything went quiet so had thought he left and I had won.  In till I felt the carpet rustle and a face popped out of now where in front of mine. "HOLY SH-", I started to scream out in surprise in till a hand covered my mouth.

"Shut up!, your bursting my processor!", Ratchet claimed innocently while using his other hand to rub his head. My eyes narrowed at him as I tried to speak but my voice was muffled by his hand, there was limited space and our bodies were centimetres away from each over. This was a very awkward position but that all was forgotten in seconds.

"What's matter cat got your tongue?", Ratchet teased swiftly causing me to grunt in annoyance. What a Jerk!. I'll show him!. I instantly grabbed his nose with my right hand tightly this caused Ratchet to jerk backwards in surprise.

"oi!, let go", Ratchet growled now irritated. Laughter erupted behind his hand as he now sounded like Squidward from Sponge Bob. His eyes narrowed at me as his free hand gripped my nose making my laughter sound like a hyena, this caused him to laugh. 

Trying to be annoying I let go of his nose and put my hands on both side of his cheeks pushing inwards slightly, "awww, chubby cheeks", I said in a babyish voice he rolled his eyes at me copying my actions. "Oi", I said glaring playfully at him, his his stunning blue eyes had a warm glow to it as he smiled lightly at me, these simple actions made me had butterflies in my stomach and a light redness tint my cheeks, he started to caress my cheeks. The 6 mech's below us all forgotten. I finally started to notice the small space keeping us separate was now becoming smaller and smaller, our nose's where pressing against each over and I could easily feel his breath on my face.

I blinked and was about to protest as I knew it wasn't possible for an .. Yano. Robot and Human being together, "Uh. Ratchet-", But I was cut off with soft, tender lips being forcefully pressed against mine as Strong hands balanced me and kept me from jerking backwards in surprise.

Ratchet is..


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