Chapter 7: Lake

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(Paige's P.O.V)

Day two!, Or so I thought.

I got woken up from my sleep, at 10:30am for some stupid reason and they only gave me two minutes to get dressed. I denied them and kept sleeping dreaming about random shit, before that was ruined by them dragging me out.

By 'them' I mean Ironhide, Epps, Will, Optimus, Ratchet and some soldiers I couldn't name since they got punched and the face. What?. I'm not a morning person.

So, here I am sitting in a plastic chair, in green short-shorts, a black plain T-shirt and no shoes. Hair.. Don't even get me started on it. One word: mess.

Will walks up to me with a smirk, amusement is shown all over his face. Shit. What's happening?.

"Paige.. Since you are staying here for a while", he started but I cut him off, " you mean forced", I say failing at trying to make him feel guilty and let me go back to sleep.

William rolled his eyes at me and continued,"and its like the hottest day this year, so I was thinking..", I raised my hand in his face stopping him from speaking. No fucking way. Nu-ah.

"No.", is all I said, as I stood up to go back to bed, but he stopped me.

" please they need it", Will pleaded, obviously not wanting to do it himself.

"Do I look like a washing machine?", I asked Will, who chuckled.

" You could be", said a voice behind me, I turned around to come Face to face with... "Who the fuck are you?", I asked confused.

Here was a Blonde haired man, wearing white skinny jeans , dark red T-shirt and red vans. His body was very well toned and he had bright electric eyes.

" you can't tell who this fabulous person is?", he mocked and realization hit me like a tone of bricks.

"Sunny?", I whispered slowly, raising an eyebrow at him.

"liking the view?, take a picture it lasts longer . Paige.", Sunny mocked, with his usual flirty attitude.

I scoffed , "you wish, pretty boy", I said walking outside holding a bucket, sponge and a hose, oh and some soap. knowing I will either be forced to wash them or dragged.

I walked towards the group of Autobots, but gasped when Sunny jumped on my back, for a piggy back ride. Let me tell you this .. He is fucking heavy!.

...But i carried him, afterall, he is THE Sunstreaker. The Autobot's all seemed to be in their holoforms. They all looked at me and Sunstreaker with an amused expression, well besides Optimus. Mr. serious.

" holy shit, what do you weigh? ", I ask out of air , dropping the washing equipment as he still held on.

" a couple of tones..not much ", he exclaimed innocently, I continue to walk. Stopping next to Ratchet and Arcee, who were amused at my current situation with the rest.

" get off", I said at him. I swear my back was breaking.

"Nah. Pretty lady like you gotta strengthen up a bit", Sunny teased And I groaned nearly dropping to my knees. My eyes widened as he was now sitting on my fucking shoulders!.

The rest just watched. Yep. Watched. Well Optimus and Ratchet now seemed a bit off about the idea, but besides that note. Assholes.

" hey lil'lady nice hair", Jazz laughed, I groaned and ignored his smart ass comment.

" off of my shoulders, Now. Or I will ... do something mean to you!", I threatened horribly. "Nope", my eyes narrowed in determination. Oh its on.

" TOO THE LAKE!!", I scream stumbling back on my feet. "Wait what?, no!. I don't want to be wet!", Sunny yelled annoyed.

" awe!, but a pretty boy like you, got to stay clwean!", I said with a babyish voice, holding onto his legs tightly, as I ran/stumbled to the lake near the base, followed by walking Autobots and Will.

We soon arrived at the lake, I smiled and was about to jump in, when Ratchet ran In front of me, "wait!. Our holoforms may not survive the water!", he exclaimed nervous and I shrugged still holding onto the struggling Sunny, screaming bloody murder.

" murder!. Assault!. Rape!", sunny yelled out random topics.

"Ew Sunstreaker!, Ew!", I say in disgust, chucking him in the water.

Which earned a girlish scream followed afterwards, as sunny swam back to the edge of the lake. I erupted with laughter, as he was drenched in water his shoes flopped helplessly as it hanged from his foot, well I mean shoe. Looks like he lost one in the lake.

Sunny huffed crossing his arms around his soaked figure, as he glared at me, standing next to Sideswipe who was laughing.

"Never mess with Paige!, Bitch!", I flipped him off sassily, walking back to the base, but.. Got pulled back by strong arms.. Wet arms. Fuck.

Suddenly I was thrown in the air. I grinned pulling my knees to my chest, my arms held around my figure tightly.

" CANNONBALL!!!", I screamed , as I was finally met with the cold refreshing water. I swam back to the surface and faced the crew.

I laughed, noticing they caught my splash, I swam in circles, they all looked at me surprised, "yano..., I'm staying here!", I yelled to them, as I dived back into the water just to be dragged back to the surface. I frowned confused as I swished and swapped my angle. Optimus?.

" What are you doing in the lake? ", I questioned him, noticing everyone watched us intensely.

" having fun", he said as if it was normal, and splashed me.

I gasped and splashed him back, then Sunny dived in and joined. Sneaking away I swam towards the edge of the lake near Ratchet who was still stunned like the rest. smiling devilishly as I grabbed Ratchets doctor coat, and yanked him in, he yelped as he met the water.

His head popped up as he looked at me with surprise and annoyance, "What the frag?!", I giggled, as he scoffed and splashed Ironhide who glared at us. "whats matter hidey?, Scared of water?", I teased, he looked at me shocked and frustrated, "no!, And don't call me hidey!"

I sighed getting out of the lake earning a disappointed look from Sunstreaker, as.. ratchet and Optimus.. well were just swimming.

I walked behind Ironhide grinning as he payed attention to the three Autobots in the water, muttering something about: 'never thought I'd see this in my lifetime'.

I smirked and tackled him, he yelled in surprise grabbing onto me for support, but I was met with a hard rock chest, as we both fell into the water. We sprung to the surface gasping for air.

Ironhides black hair covered his face, he shook his head like a dog, "I'm going to kill you..", he growled not letting me go, his grip tightening, as he glared own at me with anger.

" well... Another time", I snickered, tackling him back in the water he released me in surprise, I swam back to the smiling Sunstreaker and Sideswipe, who now decided to join us.

I turn around to see the rest of the crew, slowly starting join in with us.

I smirked.

No vehicle washes today!. Boo ya!.

I am the best!.

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