New Light (Part 2)

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Hades had a servant bring them bread and cheese and wine, and the couple lounged on the floor by the fire. Persephone happily ate and drank. She wasn't scared about not being able to leave- she was giving Hades a chance, and, right now, she didn't want to be able to leave.

After they ate, Hades and Persephone sat in the two big armchairs and talked.

"How did you get stuck with the Underworld?" she asked eventually.

"I have never wanted it. I'm the older brother, actually, and to be father of the gods was my rightful place."

Persephone gasped. "What?"

"I was supposed to be father of the gods. The one everyone loved. But Zeus...he manipulated me out of my spot. Then he stuck me down here."

Persephone shook her head, ashamed of her father. 

First, the arranged abduction, then this...her father was not who she thought he was. It made her almost unbearably sad.

"Don't be upset. It was a long time ago. Your father is a great god. He really is."

She laughed humorlessly.

"My father loves women and neglects his duties. Then he abuses his power and pulls stunts like arranging my own abduction."

Hades reached for her hand.

"He knew you would be happy here."

She squeezed his hand and released it.

"If you say so. Anyway, go ahead."

"I've been alone down here for so long. I've never wanted to rule the underworld, but my brother made me. I never objected. I've spent years looking up at the earth, wishing I just had someone with me. Then you were born."

She blinked a few times, trying to wrap her head around what he was saying. 

"You've always been so compassionate and loving and warm and kind," he said. "The minute you were of age, I made a deal with your father. I grew to love you over the years, and I knew you would have suitors. Your father agreed that if I remained in the underworld without complaint, we would marry and you would bring compassion and warmth to my home."

Persephone's cheeks flushed. She smiled shyly at his praise.

"That's very kind of you. But sisters are-"

"That's another thing," he interrupted. "I've seen you fret over your sisters for years. You think you don't compare to them."

"Well, I don't. They're-"

"You're far more beautiful than your sisters, Persephone."


"You are the most beautiful goddess alive. You aren't tan and blonde with blue eyes, but that makes you more beautiful."

She blushed.

"And when you blush, you look so pretty."

She could feel her face getting hotter.

"You are perfect. Your hair is unlike any other goddess's hair," he said.

She looked down at her hair, free of any braids or headbands today.

"But your eyes are my favorite," he said softly.

She looked back at him, unsure of what to say. She was unused to compliments, especially about her eyes. She found them boring and dark.

"They're dark, but they're deep. They're deep and warm and startlingly sharp and pretty."

She shifted in her seat, her face still burning. She was pleased and flattered and happy with his praise.

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