New Light

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Persephone opened her eyes to find herself in the medical wing once again.

Her head hurt. The light was scarce, but still too bright for her weak eyes. She groaned and moved a hand to cover them.

A warm hand was suddenly on hers.

"Persephone? Are you awake, my beauty?"

Hades. What was he doing here? 

"You're in the medical wing of our home. You're very sick right now," he explained.

He looked at her sadly. She saw the shadows under his eyes, the hair on his face. He had lost weight.

"I know you're miserable here, and it isn't making me happy, either. Just please give it a chance. Give me a chance," he said, voice cracking.

She closed her eyes and sighed.

"I...I don't-" she stopped, unable to voice the thoughts in her head.

She wanted to tell him that she was attracted to him. That, even though he was a jerk, she could tell he was just lonely. That she would try to be happy because she remembered the way she felt when she'd seen his face in the doorway. But her head still spun and she physically couldn't even form the words. Everything was too fuzzy...

He was silent for a very long time, until he finally cleared his throat and spoke. His voice was husky, like he was holding back a lot of emotion.

"Alright. Your mother is here to take you home, then."

She tried to sit up, but got dizzy and couldn't make it.

"Mother?" she asked.

She wanted her mother. Her mother would know how she was feeling. She would help.

"Persephone!" her mother exclaimed, coming to her side. 

Hades stood and backed away.

"Oh, Persephone. My sweet daughter. I'm so sorry," she cried.

Persephone hugged her tightly. "Don't be," she whispered. "Don't..."

"I talked to your  father and if you want to go you can. You're out. The deal is off."

Persephone found her eyes traveling to Hades while her mother spoke. He was looking at the ground, devastated.

Why was he so affected by her? Why was he doing this? Why did she suddenly feel so guilty?

She shrugged it off as best as she could and sat up with her mother's help. She guessed if she was free to go...she would go. Her brain flipped back and forth from the vision of her home to a vision of her study here in the underworld, a fireplace and Hades in a chair across from her.

The second vision scared her.

She wanted to help Hades, to give him a chance...but she also missed her home. She wanted to feel the grass beneath her feet and see Apollo again and tell her sisters she loved them.

"Let's go," Demeter said. She helped Persephone up. 

Her knees buckled and Hades rushed to her side, catching her just before she fell. His arms made her feel safe.

He scooped her up and carried her through the halls to the chariot waiting in the room she'd first arrived in.

She ignored the feeling of sad longing that filled her as he set her gently down in the chariot. She could always come back and visit...and maybe even let him court her properly.

He held onto her hand and looked deep into her eyes. She stared back into his eyes that had always been so alluring and wondered again what she had done to make the expression in them present.

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