Chapter 64

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After eating, she take medicine and immediately drift to sleep.

I cover her a blanket as I sigh and go back to the kitchen while holding this stuffs I used to her a while ago.

I stretch and start to boil a water. I'm gonna used this para mas lalong bumaba yung lagnat niya.

Patting her skin using bimpo like that.

I'm not a pervert ha, I'm just taking care of her.


While waiting for this, I heard a noise making me turn around and look for it.

I saw her going down stairs as she rub her eyes cutely while yawning.

" Hey, why are you here? You should get some rest- " I paused when she hug me, making me froze while my eyes was fully wide awake.

" I'm s-scared, sleep with me.. " She whispered through my ears while still hugging me.

" A-ah e-eh.. " I don't know how to respond on this kind of state.

She's hugging me while her breath hitting my neck and my face was blushing a messed.

I was about to spoke when my phone rings.

Oh shit!

It was Jihyo.

I don't know if I'm going to accept this call since the water is boiling right now and this penguin who I love so much hanging on me.

" I-is that your girlfriend? " She asked weakly, making me look at her.

Our face was too close with an only inch but her face mesmerized me so I can't back off away.

" Eh? No. " I answer.

" But it keeps ringing and you don't want to answer it. " She said while pouting.

" Aww ~ why you're so cute penguin.. " I pout too and pinch her cheek lightly while walking and she's still hugging me.

" Sit here and wait for me.. " I guide her to sit on a couch and make her nap so she can be rest for a while.

I turn off the stove and look at my phone again.

2 missed call from Jihyo.

I immediately tap her name and call her, it seems important that's why she keeps calling me.

Jihyo : Hello

" Hey, are you going to tease me too? " I asked since I remember Dahyun a while ago.

Jihyo : Maybe but I want to know how's Mina right now?

" Uhm about that she's going to be okay don't worry, I'll take care of her. " I respond and put the boil water to basin and get some bimpo.

Jihyo : Just make sure kundi yare ka samin..

" Oh you're threatening me now? " I found it sarcasm by the way.

Jihyo : Hmm... it seems you're having a fun.

" I don't think so, I'm worried.. "

It's true, she's being easy to be exhausted.

Jihyo : So... when you are going to court her?

I'm shocked on her unexpected question.

" I'm trying but this isn't the right time to make it. " I stated and pout.

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