Chapter 5

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Amusement Park

Bumungad samin yung ingay and also yung rides kung saan tumitili yung mga tao.

Kahit nakapunta na kami dito before, it feels like it's my firstime to go here.

"Ohayo ~ ohayo ~ ohayo ~ we're here! " Sana said with excitement, jumping like a kid while clinging on me.

She's cute for being like a kid.

" Nagugutom na ako huhu TT. " Momo whined as she carries her tummy and search around if there's a food court.

" Same here pero gusto ko ng mag-rides! " Dahyun said cheerfully and was about to run but Jihyo stopped her.

" Before that hanapin muna natin sila." Jihyo said and get her phone through her bag.

I can't focused here so I put my book in the bag and looked on my surroundings, mostly here are students from different schools.

For sure they're here para magsaya since tapos na ang first semester and I've notice na ang daming tao.

" Let's go to food court, andun daw sila." Jihyo said as the three of us twinkling our eyes on what we heard.

I'm hungry, you know?

" F-food court?! OmG! BaBiES I'm HeRe!!!! " Momo half shouted and run, grabbing our hands except Jihyo who's face palming right now.

And when we arrived to the food court, Nayeon waved her hands to us so we quickly sit besides them and quickly ordered foods, without minding that I sit the vacant chair infront of Myoui.

I'm sitting between of Dahyun and Sana.

What Dahyun said before, she's the one who's going to treat me today so it's free and I'm so happy for that.

I get my phone while them are busy on talking that I can't relate so I'm trying hard to be busy here.

Oh shookt! I forgot to text Irene-ssi that I'm gonna late today.

To Irene-ssi : Unni ~ I'm going home late.

Then a few minutes later, there's a notification that Irene-ssi replied to me. So fast ~

From Irene-ssi : Why? Did you know that they're waiting for you coz they're already know that it's distribution of report card today :)


Patay na ako nito huhu....

I sighs heavily without knowing that they made them stopped on chatting and turned to me who's busy on my phone, looked confused on my little actions.

To Irene-ssi : Unni ~ yare na naman ba ako?

After I send it, I feel their eyes looking at me so I looked up and saw them looking at me confused.

" What's with the heave sigh? " Jihyo asked me.

I just shake my head to her.

" Nothing. " I said as I looked at my phone vibrates.

It was Irene-ssi who's calling.

" Excuse me, I need to answer this call." I excuse myself as I stand and distance myself before I answer the call.

While Dahyun looked at me worriedly coz she knew that my parents are really strict when it comes to me.

" Hi Irene-ssi. " I started as I put my phone speaker through my ear.

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