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Days, weeks, and even months had been passed, but the only person who has been stuck in the past is Bae Y/n.

She is still in love with the girl who left and hurt her, but still, she's hoping that one day she saw the penguin once again with a smile.

She's blaming herself for being such a stupid and selfish person, blind to the fact that the penguin is suffering on the inside. She prays every night just to keep the girl alive, and she found a donor for her heart, but the breakdown continues.

Her friends are really worried because the latter didn't want to eat and want to sleep all day.

When her parents knew about her condition, they immediately scold her for being so careless, especially since her grades have been suffering recently.

Despite this, she managed to keep her title, but because they knew she was a cold person, they never saw her smile again.

And right now, she's sighing as she stands in front of the mirror, adjusting her necktie. She sighs again as she checks her phone.

Tomorrow is their graduation, and she hasn't stopped texting Mina since the day she left. She kept the latter up to date as much as she could, but she didn't receive any messages, which was disheartening.

They were supposed to graduate together, which was one of her dreams, but she thinks she'll do it with her friends instead.

As she a heard a knock from door which made her awaken from her thoughts, it immediately open and saw her sister.

"Hey! Ano na? Baka gusto mong bumaba para mahatid kita diba?" Joohyun said with sarcasm on her tone, making the latter rolled her eyes and go outside.

They are peaceful inside the car until Joohyun spoke and look at her.

"You need acceptance, you know?"

Y/n furrowed her brows and look at her sister, confused.

"What I mean is you need to accept the fact na hindi ka na niya babalikan." After saying that, the older earn a smack from the younger while glaring.

"OUCH HA! Masakit kaya!" She pout and focus on driving despite the feeling of being hurt.

'Wow nahiya young puso ko ha' She thought before speaking.

"You deserve that, I tried myself to become positive pero para kang demonyo na bumubulong sa kaliwa ko na maging nega.." She furiously said and sigh.

The older chuckled at what her sister said until she stopped the engine since they're already here, in front of the University.

Before she leaves the car, Joohyun said something that made her feel enlightened.

"You did a great job Y/nn-ah, I'll fetch you later, okay? We're going somewhere.."

She nodded and enter the campus along with Dahyun who is waiting for her.

The campus will never be peaceful, especially when Y/n was on her way. Some students are squealing, how Y/n is gorgeous despite having a neutral expression.

And used to be like this every day, but since tomorrow was the last day, she will probably miss those moments in campus.

"Grabe ang bilis talaga ng oras 'no?" Dahyun struck up a conversation with Y/n, and she received a nod from the latter.

"Imagine mo inlove ka noon pero broken ka na ngayon." Dahyun stated, making the latter stop from walking.

She turned around and glared to her friend who's wiggling her eyes to annoyed Y/n more.

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