Chapter 56

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Her image,

Her smile,

Her scent,

Her touch,

Her embrace,

Her warm,

All of this keeps lingering on my mind that causes me to not sleep.

It's hard though..

She's totally addictive especially her hugs that I don't want to let go if I have too.

Does she affects me that hard at all?

I sigh and wake up to get my phone to play along.

I want to wash away this thoughts for a while so that I can sleep right now but I just can't.

" Okay Myoui let's focus on Minecraft, ONLY ON MINECRAFT. " I mumbled sternly to myself as I start to tap the screen.

As my adventure goes on, eat some foods to gain strength and life span, killing zombies at night, an incoming call ruined my time play that made my character died because of the zombies.

I groaned as I immediately rolled my eyes from nowhere and looked to the name caller.

" Eh?! " I cover my mouth as it was agape, shocked with a widen eyes.

All of the sudden, my heart fluttered and smile.

I answer the call, still smiling and rest my back at the bed board.

" Y/n? " I started but no response.

I thought I accidentally click the mute or maybe she didn't heard me clearly.

I move my phone away and cleared my throat as I go it back.

" Hello? Y/n? Are you still there? " I called her again.

It's 12:12am already and I have no idea why did she called me.

" H-Hi M-Minari.. " She respond but her stuttering made me confused.


After responding through the call, she let out a deep sighed, not minding that she didn't breath for a while.

" Can't sleep? " Mina asked, ignored the confusion she had.

" Y-yeah, uhm- how about you? Why are you still awake? " Y/n manage to be confident even though she know the real reason why the latter is still awake.

" I'm thinking of someone that's why I'm playing, why? " Mina asked and those scenes with Y/n made her smile more.

'Someone? Who could that be?' Y/n thought as her brows furrowed in curiosity.

" Oh ~ penguin is inlove with someone huh? He must be lucky.." She said with a hint of jealousy, not knowing that Mina notice it but ignored since she don't want to assume things without clarification.

" Yup, SHE must be lucky. " She said, emphasizing the word for clarification.

" You're not straight? " Y/n asked and blink few times, still surprised.

" Maybe ~ " She answered and giggled.

" That's impossible for a pretty elegant like you. " Y/n stated with a serious tone.

The latter blush on the sudden compliment.

" Nothing is impossible when it comes on the beat of someone's heart. " Mina stated and smile.

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