Happy At Last

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"Saaaaaaammmmy~" he hears a soft whisper call to him. Sam looks around. Who said that? Sam tries walking forward, but his surroundings remain unchanged. "Sam," the voice whispers in the sweet, soft tone. Sam stops and looks around. He can't see anything. He feels like he's moving but he's getting no where. "Sam!" the voice shouts and Sam shoots up, his eyes opening and looking around frantically. He runs a hand through his hair, thinking about his dream. Wait... what did he dream again? Ugh, I cant remember. Whatever. 
Sam feels stirring beside him and he looks over, his eyes meeting a freshly awaken Jessica who looked at him with curiosity. "Hey," he spoke softly, "You alright?"

Sam nods, looking around the room before shaking his head. "Uh, yeah. I'm alright. Just, weird dream," Sam said, his voice sleep ridden. Sam smiles down at Jess before kissing her lightly on the lips and lying back down. "I'm fine, just go back to sleep," he says, his eyes closing, wondering what his dream could have been. Probably about hunting or something..

When Sam wakes the next morning, his phone blasts the song Heat Of The Moment. Sam groans and looks at his phone with a questioning expression. "That's not my ring tone," Sam states quietly, turning off the alarm and sitting up, stretching out his tall body and looking to Jess. He smiles and nudges her slightly. "Hey baby, you gotta get going," Sam informs, chuckling slightly when Jess rolls over and wraps herself tighter in the blankets.

Jess mumbles something close to 'ten more minutes' and stays lying down, trying to go back to sleep. Sam rolls his eyes and nudges her again. "Jess, com'on. You're planes going to leave without you if you don't go. Don't you want to see your family?" Sam tries to get her up, earning a lazy moan before she sits up, her blonde hair in messy curls. "Fiiiiiiiine," she draws out, jumping out of bed and going into the bathroom to get ready.

Sam chuckles and steps off the bed, moving to the dresser and changing while Jess was in the shower. It was winter break for everyone and Jess was going to a family reunion at her parents house for a week. Sam would have went with her, but he planned on studying and trying to get ahead in his classes. 

Sam and Jess say goodbye at the airport, Sam handing off her bags and leaning down to kiss her forehead. "I love you," he mumbles in her ear before she's carried away by the rush. "Love you too," she shouts, a grin on her face.

Sam makes his way back to the collage campus, walking along the sidewalk and shifting his bag on his shoulder. He walks quickly, the cold air bitter and annoying. Sam looks around and finds a small, cozy cafe, the lights inside soft and the aroma of coffee and sweets making its way out the door. Sam smiles slightly before pushing open the door of the cafe, stepping in, but hitting his head on the bell hanging down. Sam groans and looks up to the bell, rubbing absently at the spot it hit. 

The sweet smell of coffee and pastries overwhelms his senses and he takes in a deep breath, a pleasant feeling going through him as he took in the scent. Sam goes up to the counter and smiles at the person behind the counter, meeting eyes with the girl for a split second. "How can I help you, cutie," she says, Sam feeling a faint grin break out on his face and his cheeks warm. "Double shot Espresso Macchiatto," Sam decides, smiling slightly at the short... well, short to him girl.

She nodded giddily before taking the order further into the room and beginning to make his drink.

Sam pulled out his phone to check the time. He could stay here and study for nearly an hour before he had to be at Brady's. Good enough. Sam pushes his phone back into his pocket and looks around the room before finding a nice, quiet corner in the cafe.

Sam set his laptop up on the table and opens up his book where he left off, firing up his laptop before he's met with a pare of innocent, blue eyes. "Here's you drink, cutie," the girl said, setting his drink on the table before walking off with a blush and a thrilled smile.

Sam smiles slightly, not noticing the girl's state, before picking up his coffee and taking a quick drink, the caffeine almost immediately going through him.

He lets out a sigh before he began typing out notes on the keys, looking through his book for references.


Yeah, so tell me whatcha think and I'll definatly be posting more! My chapters are usually longer than this but this is really just a starter chapter. Anyways, Thanks for reading! <3

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