Who Is Golden Eyes?

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I'm so sorry this took so long! Thank you all for the comments and views and votes and you have no idea how much it all means to me <3 I love you, enjoy!!!
Sam sets the note on his thigh, looking around the room. At least he didn't hook up with some random person while he was intoxicated. He'd hate to do that to Jess.

Okay, so some random guy helped him to his dorm and left... Much worse could've happened.

The number was still there. There had to be a reason 'GS' had left it.

Sam felt around for his phone, his eyebrows creasing when he didn't feel anything in either pocket. He did remember having at least his keys in his pockets. He got out of bed and stretched his arms up, fingers brushing against the ceiling as the note fell from his lap. Sam walked around the dorm and spotted his book bag. This 'GS' guy has officially saved his ass. He'd be a dead man without his laptop.

Sam picked up his bag, hearing a small jingle when he did. He furrowed his eyebrows and felt around the bag before opening it. Keys, wallet, phone, and his lock-picking kit were in there. 'I guess drunk me is more responsible than I give him credit for.'

Back to the matter at hand, Sam got out his phone and went back to his bed. He sat on the edge of the bed and picked the note up.

It couldn't hurt to call. Maybe 'GS' knew something else about last night.

"Hello?" Sam heard a happy, sing-sing voice answer.

Sam shifted the phone in his hand. "Hi.. I-uh- I found this number on my nightstand attached to a note?" He hesitated, turning the note over in his hand and rereading it.

"Ah! So you survived. Have to say, you seemed pretty hammered last night, kiddo," GS chuckled.


"Yeah, I read the note... I don't remember any of that... I guess I blacked out," Sam let the note rest next to him and rubbed his temple. He thought his hangover would be worse than just a mild headache.

"I'm surprised you've got the will alone to even move, much less talk."

Sam laughs lightly, "I'm just as surprised as you are."

"You know what?" GS quickly added, "Let me buy you breakfast. Best cure for a hangover is caffeine and a nice meal."

He thinks for a moment, looking to the clock before deciding, "Uh- sure.... Thanks..for everything. I owe you."

"Tell you what, you can repay me by showing up at the IHOP just off campus in half an hour. Deal, Sammy?"

"Sam," he immediately corrected out of habit, then paused, "How do you know my name?"

And you can practically hear his smirk, "You told me last night."

"Oh... Well what's your name? Unless you just go by 'GS'...?" Sam questioned, standing up and opening the closet to find clothes.

"Guess you'll have to show up to find out," GS said before the line was cut, making Sam pull the phone away from his ear to check if the call was really disconnected.

He was just going to study and try to get ahead in his classes over the break. Why not get something to eat and find out who this mystery guy was?


Sam took a long shower, keeping his eyes closed most of the time. His headache was almost non-existent, but flashed of nausea swept over him that made hin want to curl up in a ball. It might not have helped that he was standing in the shower with his eyes closed. It seemed more like hyped-up motion sickness than his hangover.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2017 ⏰

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