Chapter 4. Family Kinda Sucks, Not Gonna Lie

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March 20, 2023. 11:40 PM.

Unknown: Meet at the Empire State Building tomorrow at noon.

Alina: i'm blocking you.

That was yesterday. It's about 11:30, I think. Well, what's the harm in going?

I hop in my car and fly to New York. I park in a parking garage not far from the landmark and I start walking.

"Are you Alina?" A person in battle armor asks.

"Who're you?" I ask.

"Follow me." The person says and walks into the Empire State Building. I follow behind and we walk into the elevator. I walk out and I take in the sight of Mount Olympus.

"Hello there." A feminine voice says. She's familiar, like I've spent time with her.

"Who are you and what do you want?" I ask.

"You know who I am, Rayne."

"You're Elise." I realize.

"Please, call me mom, I am your mother after all, Rayne." Elise says.

"My name is Alina." I say, balling my hands into fists.

"But it's not. Your name is Rayne Novalie Skyberry." Elise says.

No. This can't be happening.

"I am your mother, Rayne." Elise says, placing her hands on my shoulders.

"You say one more word and you'll be dead before you can say 'ocean'." I threaten, removing her hands from my shoulders.

"Rayne, don't threaten your mother."

"You." I say, venom in my voice. I can feel my blood boiling at the sight of Poseidon. "For your information, I do what I want."

"And your mom and I are ok with that as long as it goes along with what we want you to do." Poseidon says.

"How dare you? How dare you two walk in here and expect me to change my name, accept you as my parents and go live with you, happily ever after?" I shout.

"Rayne, control yourself!" Elise says and I realize that something's happening. Something that hasn't happened in years.

The floor is flooding.

"Rayne, you should calm down. Your mother is not like you and me." Poseidon says.

"Elise isn't my mother!" I shout.

"Rayne Novalie, you will listen before we have to do something we regret." Poseidon says, clearly done with me.

"Like I said before, I do what I want." I say, pulling a dagger and stabbing Poseidon in the shoulder and surrounding Elise's head with water.

Next thing I know, I'm hitting the floor after being hit over the head.

When I finally return to consciousness, I'm in a van. My head is throbbing. My hands and feet have been strapped to a chair that is bolted to the floor.

Flashbacks start to flood my brain.

I was sat in a chair and my arms and legs were strapped to the chair's. I was given something to bite down on before the procedure began.

"Say goodbye to who you were." A woman says and metal pads surround my face. A technician powers up the machine and I feel like they're putting my brain in a blender. My screams of pain echo throughout the building and the surrounding area. What feels like hours later, the pain begins to calm down.

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