Chapter 5. Return of the Romanoff

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May 3, 2023. 2:00 PM.

"Agent, we have intruders, handle them." One of my handlers says.

"Yes sir." I say. My ballet flats make a consistent patting sound against the wood floor when I take a step, not unlike the quiet sound of rain hitting a roof.

I use a small compact mirror and see that there's four people. Two fully grown men, a teenage boy, and a young adult female. These are the people I keep seeing in my dreams. No. Snap out of it. You are an agent, you don't get distracted. I round the corner and the teen gapes and runs up to me.

"Alina!" He shouts, hugging me.

I head butt him and he staggers backwards a few steps.

"Alina?" He asks with a slightly horrified expression on his face.

"Don't call me that. My name is..."

What is my name? 'Agent', 'Asset', those were the most common. Stop. Stop it. I am not human. I am a machine, built for this.

"My name doesn't matter." I shrug.

"Because they just said it." A small voice in my head says.

No. I can't lose control.

I run up and start to attack the four people that stand in front of me.

"Who are you and what did you to to my sister?" The teen shouts.

"Like I'm gonna answer that." I chuckle. The woman tries to use her magic to get inside my head.

No. You can't do that.

She stops and looks at me with a horrified, hurt, and slightly scared expression. "Alina, what have they done to you?"

I ignore her and sweep her legs out from under her.

"Don't call me that." I say.

"You're losing control." The small voice says.

I'm not losing control.

"You just refuse to admit the truth."

"Shut up!" I shout, clutching my head.

No, no, no, no. I'm losing control. I'm- "Wanda?"


"She's remembering." The woman I called Wanda says. She stands up.

"I remember everything that I should." I say. "And I remember that I was told to get rid of you." I kick the man with the mohawk in the chest and he falls backwards slightly before catching himself. I reach for my guns but when I go to aim at the intruders, my hands start shaking and I can't hold on anymore. I'm losing control. I'm losing control.

"Alina?" The teenager asks, seemingly not scared of me anymore. "You're with your family. It's me, Peter."

"Peter? No!" I shout. "No, no, no! I'm losing control, this can't happen. This can't happen." I mutter quietly.

"Why?" The man in the metal suit asks.

Because I know what happens when I lose control.

Because my handlers starve me and beat me when I lose control.

Because I get put in the wiper.

"Alina. You need to snap out of this." The man with a mohawk says.

"Pa-papa?" I ask, remembering.

"That'll work, Raindrop." He smiles.


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