Chapter 25. Stones, Suits, and Sworn Enemies

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April 20, 2024. 4:01 PM.

"Alina, it's time to get out of the lab. Come help me make dinner?" Mama asks, leaning on the doorframe.

"Yeah, let me just finish this one last bit of rewiring." I say, not taking my eyes off of the circuit board in front of me.

"I'm gonna sit here and watch you work, if you don't mind. Mainly just to make sure you get out of here for a bit, maybe sit outside and eat dinner later. It's nice out, you know?"

"Cool." I say as I grab my two plastic tweezers. I hold one wire with one pair, and I steady the circuit board with the other. I reattach the wire successfully and I grin proudly. "I just figured out how to weaponize the Stones."


"I'm harnessing the natural energies off of the Stones and I'm going to put them into weapons that look like they're just everyday weapons and not weapons that harness the power of Infinity Stones. Eliza figured out what each Stone does, I've figured out who gets which, now I just need to go around and ask the preferred weapons. You want new batons, correct?"

"Why not?"

"Sweet, because I've already started some drafts. You get the Death Stone. It's on the more dangerous side, as it can kill anyone with one touch. Whoever holds it, controls it, if they have the willpower."

"Do you have one?"

"I have the Night Stone. It can influence how one sleeps, basically. When I hold it, I can make people have good dreams, bad dreams, I can change the course of someone's dream and even appear to them."

"Who gets the others?"

"Tony gets the Life Stone, especially because it's what powers his suit. I just need to make a slight modification to his suit to be able to hold it a little more safely. It can revive the dead, and it can defeat whoever holds the Death Stone. You could easily defeat Tony, he can easily defeat you, if you have the stones, that is. Loki gets the Chaos Stone. It can scramble one's thoughts and actions. Helpful for dismantling a government.

"Peter gets the Love Stone. It can mend relationships and create new ones. On the other hand, it can make two lovers hate each other in seconds. It's basically just playing matchmaker, but it's helpful. When he uses it, he can turn the person's loyalty over to us. Peter doesn't kill people, and him having this helps ensure that he won't have to kill the bad guys.

"Finally, Eliza gets the Alternative Stone. It can allow travel between the multiverse without an Einstein-Rosen Bridge and some Quantum Realm navigation. We can send the big bads to the Dark Dimension. It's the home of Dormammu, an inter-dimensional entity that was focused on turning all universes over to the Dark Dimension, which he happens to rule. Strange defeated him while you and I were in California."

"How did we not notice something going on?"

"Oh, the main fight was in, I believe it was Hong Kong, but it also could've been New York, London, or even at Kamar-Taj in Kathmandu, Nepal. We were quite far away from all of them, so we had very few ways of knowing when not actively looking," I shrug as I work on finishing up work on the one circuit board. "So, what's for dinner?"

"Pizza." Mama replies.

"Wahoo!" I exclaim happily.

We make pizza from scratch, and while it proves and bakes, I continue work on weaponizing the Stones.

"When's the pizza gonna be done?"

"Only ten seconds since the last time you asked." Mama chuckles slightly.

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