Chapter 21. Science, Russian, and An All Around Oof

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April 12, 2024. 7:42 AM.

"After this, can we go to Mars?" A very sleep deprived Peter asks.

"Кто знает? Мы могли бы отправиться на Плутон или, может быть, на Мораг." I say. 'Who knows? We could go to Pluto or maybe Morag.'


"Что?" 'What?'

"Again, huh?"

"Опять что?" 'Again, what?'

"Alina, you're speaking Russian." Mama tells me.

"Нет я не." 'No I'm not.'

Wait a minute....

Yeah, I'm speaking Russian.

"Hablando de hablar ruso, ¿es posible intentar sacarme las palabras desencadenantes de la cabeza?" 'Speaking of speaking Russian, is it possible to try to get the trigger words out of my head?'

"And that's Spanish, but yeah." Peter says and I grin.


"Hey, using English again. Nice job." Shuri chuckles.

"Don't jinx it." I frown.

"Alright, go take a nap, I'll wake you up when the scan is done." Shuri says, shooing me towards my room and Clint, Mama, Wanda, and Eliza prevent me from going anywhere other than my bedroom. I walk in and shut the door behind me.

"You thought you could escape?"

"Escape what? I haven't escaped from anything, just distracted myself. You should try, I don't know, maybe eternity in a psych ward? But, you know, you look terrible in white, Lillia." I comment on her choice of outfit.

"White. Too innocent. I much prefer blood red." Lillia smirks and draws a knife as her suit turns from white to red. I grab the knife that I have hidden behind a plant and we move in a circle, not breaking eye contact. This would look so cool if I had my suit on, but I'm just in my pjs.

"Red's not my style. I prefer blue." I shrug before taking violent swipes at Lillia with my dagger.

"Too American." Lillia smirks.

Jeez. I totally walked right into that.

"Alright, enough with the bickering, now, I have something you want." Lillia says.

"And that is?"

"You wouldn't happen to have some stones for the Madame's rock garden, would you?" Lillia asks while holding the blue stone.

Oh crap.

The stone glows and navy blue light radiates around me before I fall to the ground.

"Peter?" I ask. I take a step forwards and I trip over something.

Peter's lifeless body.

"What? No! No!" I shout. I crouch down and frantically feel for a pulse but when I feel nothing, I break down. "Mama?" I ask, standing up.

I'm faced with a horrible sight.

Mama, Loki, Tony, Morgan, Pepper, Happy, Shuri, Ned, MJ, Clint, and Wanda all lay on the ground around me. Blood is splattered everywhere and I realize that I have blood on my hands.


Did I-

I couldn't. I wouldn't.



"Главная. Семнадцать. Дождь. Защищать. Бесконечность. Вормир. Душа. Восемь. Одинсон. Романов. Агент?" 'Home. Seventeen. Rain. Protect. Infinity. Vormir. Soul. Eight. Odinson. Romanoff. Agent?'

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